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News Religion News Sites Introduction Christian Denominations (this page) Hindu This page is no longer maintained; the descriptions and URLs of the sites were last checked in January 1998 and may be out of date. The main Religion News Sites page (which includes interfaith and ecumenical news) continues to be kept up to date. ADVENTIST Adventist News Network (ANN). News from the Seventh-day Adventist Church, updated weekly. The archives date back to July 1996. ANGLICAN Anglican Communion News Service (ACNS). News from the Anglican Communion, the world association of national churches descended from the Church of England (including the Episcopal Church). The news is updated weekly, and the archives date back to November 1995. Anglicans Online. Although Anglicans Online rarely offers original coverage of news, this is the gossip market of the Anglican world. Whenever Anglican news hits the newspapers, the home page of Anglicans Online is quick to report the fact. This unofficial site of worldwide Anglicanism gathers information from a variety of sources, giving it an advantage over most other Anglican news sources. Its Hot Issues page carries links to important articles and documents. Episcopal News Service (ENS). News from the Episcopal Church, updated monthly. The archives date back to December 1996. Episcopal Synod of America Articles. It is perhaps best not to ask how the ESA gets permission to reprint so many copyrighted articles, but the results are splendid. Not only does the ESA's news page provide the most up-to-date and comprehensive Anglican news; it also provides strong coverage of ecumenical news, particularly from the Catholic and Orthodox churches. Although the ESA is known for its traditional stand within the Episcopal Church, the articles embrace a variety of viewpoints. The chronology of the articles is somewhat confusing, but will likely sort itself out as the page develops. The archives date back to July 1997. BAPTIST American Baptist News Service. News from the American Baptist Churches USA, updated every few days. The archives date back to March 1996. Associated Baptist Press (ABP). News about the Southern Baptist Convention by an independent news service. The news dates back to April 1997 and is updated every few days. Baptist Press (BP). News from the Southern Baptist Convention. Unfortunately, this site, though it is updated every few days, seems designed to torture the browsing reader. The indexes are on the same pages as the articles, which means that you must call up each lengthy file in order to read the headlines. The archives are searchable and date back to October 1995. BRETHREN Church of the Brethren Newsline. Consists of the Church of the Brethren Newsline as well as the church's press releases. The Newsline dates back to February 1996 and is indexed by date and by topic (though the topic index is rather primitive). CATHOLIC CATHNEWS. News from the Catholic Church in England and Wales. The news is updated at irregular intervals, and the archives date back to November 1995. Catholic World News (CWN). This site holds the largest archive of Catholic news on the Web. Articles are posted daily; current articles are linked to the home page, while past articles can be retrieved by going to the Archives page and typing in a date or range of dates. Some of the material is derivative, but CWN's articles are indispensible for keeping up to date on Catholic news. The archives date back to February 1996. Catholic World Report (CWR). This monthly newsmagazine says that it has been called "the Catholic Time magazine," and its articles certainly reveal the strengths and weaknesses of that form of editorial reporting. The archives date back to January 1996; the framed pages are part of the Catholic Information Center on Internet and are a bit confusing, but they work fine. Eternal Word Television News (EWTN NEWS). News from EWTN, a Catholic cable channel. This is the best one-stop site for Catholic news, combining as it does the resources of EWTN News, Catholic World News (CWN), and Vatican Information Services (VIS). The home page (updated daily) carries a few long articles, the Newslink page carries a few sentences summarizes each day's news, and the Newsline page carries a week's worth of articles from CWN and VIS. The two buttons at the bottom of the home page (visible only with the images turned on) take you to a framed version of the sites for CWN and VIS. The search button, oddly enough, simply takes you to a list of the site's features. The only feature this site lacks is an archives; those who wish to read news more than a week old should consult the Catholic World News archives. NCCB/USCC – Office of Communication. News from the National Conference of Catholic Bishops/United States Catholic Conference. The news is updated every few days; each headline is accompanied by the first paragraph of the article. The archives date back to January 1997 and are indexed by date and topic. The Tablet. Catholic world news from an independent weekly newspaper published in London. The archives can be reached through the "More About The Tablet" page; they date back to November 1996 and can be browsed by issue or searched by keyword, though you must turn on the images in order to read the archived articles. Vatican Information Service (VIS). News from the Vatican, the headquarters of the Catholic Church. The news is updated daily and mainly consists of small items about the pope's activity, but occasionally important church documents are announced here. The articles are only listed for one week. CHURCHES OF CHRIST–CHRISTIAN CHURCHES Disciples News Service (DNS). News from the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), updated monthly. The archives, which date back to November 1995, consist of full-length articles and news briefs and can be searched. Disciples of Christ – see Churches of Christ–Christian Churches EASTERN CHRISTIAN Orthodox World News. News about the Orthodox Church from a variety of sources. This site uses flashy Web technology and is slow to upload; in addition, the framed pages have no back button, so the site is difficult to browse. The news is updated daily, and the archives date back to August 1996. Episcopal – see Anglican LUTHERAN Church News from Denmark. News from the Church of Denmark, updated monthly. The archives date back to November 1996. Evangelical Lutheran Church in America News (ELCA News). News from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Full-length news is updated about once a week; news briefs are also available. The archives date back to June 1995 and can be searched (from the menu at the top of the main page). The Lutheran. This online version of the ELCA's magazine has two especially nice features. Like many other news sites, the magazine includes a search engine, but The Lutheran also indexes its 1996 issues by subject and author headings, just in case you don't know what you want to search for. In addition, most articles end with cross-references to other articles in the magazine. The site has been changed to allow visitors to reach the articles without having to turn on the images, but in exchange for this, visitors must navigate through three layers of indexing. The magazine publishes a blend of features and straight news articles. Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod News (LCMS News). The home page of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod includes the top story from the LCMS News, with a link to a gopher menu containing links to articles dating back to March 1996. If you click onto the Archives (the third line down), you reach another gopher menu with links to LCMS News from January and February 1996 and the church's Reporter from 1989 to 1995 (or to be more accurate, this gopher links you to yet more gopher menus). This is all just as awful as it sounds, but the news is updated every few days and can be searched (from the second gopher menu). METHODIST United Methodist News Service (UMNS). News from the United Methodist Church. This site has been changed so that dates may now be read with the images turned off or on. The feature stories, full-length stories, and news briefs are listed in separate indexes. The archives date back to August 1995 and can be searched. United Methodist Reporter (UMR) and National Christian Reporter. This United Methodist newspaper and its ecumenical version are published independently. The news is updated weekly, and the archives date back to February 1996. NAZARENE Nazarene Communications Network News (NCN NEWS). News from the Church of the Nazarene. The site includes a weekly summary of news and a page for late-breaking bulletins. There are no archives. Orthodox Christian – see Eastern Christian Presbyterian – see Reformed REFORMED Life & Work. The monthly magazine of the Church of Scotland (Presbyterian). The magazine uses frames but is easy to navigate; the archives date back to April 1996. Presbyterian Church in Ireland Press Releases. Updated two or three times a month. The archives date back to January 1996. Presbyterian News Service. News from the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). The site is updated weekly, and the index includes handy summaries of the articles. The archives can only be reached through a lengthy gopher menu (the link is hidden at the bottom of the page); the search button takes you to the cumbersome search engine of Worldwide Faith News. Articles in the gopher archives date back to May 1995. UCC One Newsroom. News from the United Church of Christ. The site includes a few feature articles from United Church News, the denomation's national newspaper; Keeping You Posted, a monthly newsletter; and UCC Headline News, the denomination's news service. The news service is updated every week or two, but the index does not give the articles' dates. The articles date back to July 1995. United Reformed News Service (URNS). This independent news service originally covered news in the Dutch Reformed churches but has expanded its coverage to include a number of conservative Reformed and Presbyterian churches. News is updated every few days, and the headlines give a good indication of the article's contents. The archives date back to August 1994. Roman Catholic – see Catholic United Church of Christ – see Reformed © 1997-1999 Heather
Elizabeth Peterson This page is a feature of Greenbelt Interfaith News. For interfaith news from around the world, visit our home page (www.greenbelt.com/news). |