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Greenbelt Interfaith
News Interfaith, Indigenous, and Pagan Web Directories Interfaith This page is devoted to Web directories of living faiths. Religion Web directories are so plentiful that we can only list a small proportion of them here; this is therefore intended as a guide to the best directories that we have seen in the above categories. If you can suggest other Web directories, please write us at faith@greenbelt.com. We can't promise that we'll list your suggestions here, but we'd love hear about other good sites. The Indigenous and Pagan section includes links to sites of other faiths that draw upon indigenous and Pagan roots. When exploring the sites below, keep in mind that we often link to the Links page of sites that are worth exploring in themselves. Academic Info: Religion. A large, annotated index of academic sites. The "Religious Studies" section provides links to other major indexes. Association of Interfaith Ministers: Resources and Links to Other Interfaith Sites. No links to specific faiths; instead, a handy list of interfaith sites. Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance. This is probably the largest interfaith site, with extensive information on world faiths as viewed through liberal eyes. Selected links are included at the end of each essay. Minority faiths receive especially good coverage. New Religious Movements. Links to sites on new religious movements. This site includes an fine set of essays on religious groups that are either new or have only recently received attention in the U.S. Native American religions and Wicca are covered, with basic links at the end of both essays. The Pluralism Project: Selected Links. The cream of the crop, annotated – a good place to start. Virtual Religion Index. An excellent academic site, comparable in quality to Academic Info. The links are annotated. Note: The geographical locations below refer to the original homelands of the faiths, not the locations where the faiths are now practiced. Bill's Aboriginal Links. Indigenous religion sites are so scarce on the Web that they must be sought with great diligence. This page provides a starting point for such a search, with unannotated links to indigenous sites around the world. World Religions Information. This section of the U.S. Army Chaplain's Corner has a link to Indigenous sites, but it is most helpful for its link to Religious Requirements and Practices, the famous Handbook for Chaplains that describes smaller religious groups. The World Wide Web Virtual Library: Indigenous Studies. Another directory of indigenous sites, this one with annotated and unannotated links. African Religions. A basic, annotated list from the Mining Co. [Alternative Religions] African Traditional Religion: Links. The links are unannotated. Brazilian and African Religions. An annotated list aimed at teachers. [StudyWeb] Vodun Information Pages. Unannotated links. Shinto. An annotated list aimed at teachers. [StudyWeb] Arachne's Web: Paganism and Wicca Pages. The links are unannotated but plentiful. AvatarSearch. An occult directory including Pagan links. It is quite large but frustrating to use because it contains so many categories. The annotations are provided by the site owners. As the name implies, the site includes a search engine. mdpagans.com. Annotated Maryland links. The Pagan Federation. Includes well-annotated links to the major Pagan organizations of the world, particularly those in Europe. Pagan/Wiccan Religion: NetLinks. The most helpful part in this annotated list from the Mining Co. is the section entitled Pagans/Wicca 101, "for the pagan neophyte and the truly ignorant." Paganlink. Annotated British and Irish links. The Witches' Voice: Witchcraft & Pagan Links on the Web. The most comprehensive Pagan Web site, with many annotated links. Celtic Christian Ring. Annotated links. The Delphic Oracle. A Web ring devoted to Greek Paganism. Every Celtic Thing on the Web: Mystical/Religious/Spiritual. Links to Celtic Paganism and Celtic Christianity, briefly annotated. Heathen: Trusted Links. Annotated links to modern Norse-related pages. First Nations Spirituality. A nicely selected list of Native American links, annotated. Native American. The most complete list of Native American religion links; short annotations are included. [LookSmart] Native American Religions. An annotated list aimed at teachers. [StudyWeb] © 1998-1999 Heather
Elizabeth Peterson This page is a feature of Greenbelt Interfaith News. For interfaith news from around the world, visit our home page (www.greenbelt.com/news). |