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Hurricane Katrina news and resources (including leather, gay, and GLBT resources) for leatherfolk, leathermen, leatherwomen, leatherdykes, BDSM folk, fetish folk, bears, cubs, and the leather community.

Go here if you need hurricane assistance quickly from the leather, BDSM, or bear communities.

Leather Pride / Katrina Aid logo

The Leather Pride / Katrina Aid logo is a gift from Caro and from Stephen Bloom to the leather community and may be freely distributed. Image description. Variations on the design.

Hurricane Katrina & Leatherfolk FAQ

How the Hurricane Has Affected the Leather, BDSM, and Bear Communities

(September 15, 1 a.m. EDT)


On August 29, Hurricane Katrina landed on the Gulf Coast, just east of New Orleans. Wikipedia reports that it was the third strongest hurricane on record to make landfall on the United States. The hurricane immediately caused flooding and severe wind damage along the coast of southeast Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama.

Five hours after the hurricane made landfall, one of New Orleans's levees gave way, followed subsequently by other levees. Eighty percent of the city was flooded. One of the few areas of the city to escape major flooding was the French Quarter, where the city's gay district is located. However, wind damage occurred in that area.

A mandatory evacuation of New Orleans had begun on August 28, but many people in the New Orleans area were trapped by the floods. Some of the Mississippi coastal towns are reported by the media to have been almost entirely destroyed. Reports are still coming in on damage in Alabama, but the loss of life there seems to have been less severe.

Currently, New Orleans residents are not permitted to return to their city until the city is restored to livable conditions. Estimates for that time period range from weeks to months. In the meantime, the million evacuees from New Orleans and other affected areas have been shipped to a variety of locations throughout the United States, with most of them ending up in Houston and nearby Texas cities. Some evacuees are gradually being permitted to return to their homes.

More basic facts about Katrina, from Wikipedia.

Chicago Sun-Times's Hurricane Katrina FAQ: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.


The leather, BDSM, and bear clubs and businesses of New Orleans have been able to locate the majority of their members. Some groups have received word from all of their members, some are still trying to locate a few of their members, and a handful have not yet issued reports. Many of the members are evacuees and are concerned that their property has been severely damaged.

Information from the Mississippi Gulf Coast is more sketchy; most of the groups there have not yet issued reports. One Alabama group has reported that all of its members are safe.

All of the inland clubs and businesses report there has been no loss of life to their members, though some of their members have undergone property damage.

Survivors and Missing Persons from the Leather, BDSM, and Bear Communities.


The leather, BDSM, and bear communities rallied quickly to offer assistance to the victims of the hurricane. Some are assisting all victims, some are working with other GLBT groups to assist GLBT victims, and some are assisting affected leatherfolk, BDSM folk, and bears.

Three types of assistance are being offered. In Louisiana and Texas, groups who were not affected by the hurricane immediately provided assistance to the victims and evacuees in their areas. Elsewhere, groups and individuals have offered to assist evacuees with housing or with other needs. Finally, throughout the nation and in other countries, individuals and groups are holding relief fundraisers or urging other leatherfolk, BDSM folk, and bears to donate money and goods to various fundraising organizations.

Quick Assistance for Leather, BDSM, and Bear Evacuees.

Relief Fundraisers in the Leather, BDSM, and Bear Communities.

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