Links can be found here to Websites in Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, the United States, and the United Kingdom. {Websites in languages other than English} are noted in the manner shown in this sentence. Translations of those pages can be obtained through Babel Fish Translation and other online translators.
This Web directory is edited by Dusk Peterson. Fiction and booktrailers by Dusk Peterson are available.
Sections below:
* Awards
* Blogs, Forums, and Reviews
* Digital Storytelling
* Interviews
* News Articles
* Production Companies
* Publishers: Major Presses
* Publishers: Small Presses
* Video Sharing Sites
* Contact Information
Book Video Awards (The Book Standard). "Designed to fete three student filmmakers who win the Standard's competition to create the highest-quality book videos for three not-yet-released Random House books."
{Italiano} Ciak Premio / Ciak Prize (Grinzane Cinema). "I partecipanti devono realizzare un 'Booktrailer', un piccolo film della durata di 120 secondi dedicato a un libro, italiano o straniero." "The participants must create a 'Booktrailer', a short film of 120 seconds that is dedicated to a book, Italian or foreign."
The Book Standard: Book Video Highlights. Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4, Volume 5, Volume 6, Volume 7, Volume 8, and Volume 9 (Banned Books Week). Reviews of book videos.
Book Trailerpark. No longer active, but archives remain online. A blog that was run by Kimberly Maul of The Book Standard. "Suddenly – if we do say so ourselves – the buzz around this innovation has gotten louder and louder. So in the interests of public service – and, yes, self interest – from now on we'll be finding, posting and promoting the best book-video content online right here." Also includes news related to book videos.
Booktrailers. Moderated by the Webmaster of this site. "This community blog is for announcing, recommending, watching, and discussing video trailers to books and other writings." A place where anyone can announce their book videos.
A related genre of amateur film-making.
Digital storytelling links. Skip down on the linked page. Includes links to tutorials on making videos.
Digital storytellings links 2. Includes links to video-making tools.
Enhancing Literary Skills Through Digital Narratives (PDF file). Also available as a Microsoft Word DOC file.
Wikipedia: Definition of digital storytelling.
{Italiano} Arrivano i booktrailers! (Alice Sapere). Interview with Jacopo De Michelis, editor of Marsilio and an Italian pioneer of booktrailers.
Book Marketing Goes to the Movies. Brief audio interview with Shiela Clover of Circle of Seven Productions, from National Public Radio's Morning Edition.
{Italiano} Booktrailers: vi facciamo vedere i libri! (Locanda Almayer). Another interview with Jacopo De Michelis.
Shiela Clover's Round Up. Interview with Shiela Clover of Circle of Seven Productions at the blog Milady Insanity.
A very selective list.
The Book Standard. Regularly covers book video news. Articles on book videos can be found by searching on the term "book video" through the site's search engine.
Click Lit (The Guardian, U.K.). 1 October 2003.
{Español} "El ejército negro", primer libro con "trailer" en la red (Diario de León, Spain).
Publishers Try to Sell Words With Moving Pictures (The New York Times). 3 August 2006.
Read the Book? No, But I Loved the Trailer (The Guardian, U.K.). 16 July 2006.
View to a Thrill. Book Trailers: Building Hype, Movie-Style (CBC, Canada). 3 July 2006.
YouTube Video Sets Stage for Novel (The Los Angeles Times). 4 November 2006.
{Nederlands} B Visual.
{Italiano} Bonsai Ninja.
Book-Byte (PLUS Media).
Screenbase. A Scottish company no longer online (but the above link is archived). See the archived versions of their book promos client list and information on their book promos (the latter is a PDF file).
{Deutsch; includes English translation} Tellmedia Company.
Publishers who have book videos on their Websites.
Random House: Bantam Dell and Doubleday Books.
Google Video: Videos keyworded "book trailer".
Google Video: "book video".
{Deutsch} Google Video Deutschland: "buchtrailer".
{Nederlands} Google Video Nederland: "boektrailer".
MySpace group where book videos are announced:
Books and Book Trailers.YouTube: "booktrailer" or "booktrailers".
YouTube: "book trailer" or "book trailers".
YouTube groups where book videos are announced:
{Nederlands, but anyone may join} boektrailer.romancedivas (trailers by members of the Romance Divas site).
romanceWOL (Romance Without Limits Book Trailers).
Comments and questions may be sent to Dusk Peterson by e-mail.
I no longer update this site, but you may post announcements of your booktrailers or booktrailer-related sites at the Booktrailers blog, which I moderate.
text, or a variation on it, was originally published at
Copyright © 2006-2008 Dusk Peterson. Some rights reserved. The text
is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution Noncommercial License (
You may freely print, post, e-mail, share, or otherwise distribute the
text for noncommercial purposes, provided that you include this paragraph.
The author's policies on
derivative works and fan works are available online (