Historical speculative fiction
where darkness meets hope.
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If you send me pretty compliments, I will print your letter out and frame it above my computer. (This isn't much of an exaggeration.) If, on the other hand, you send me a letter that begins, "What kind of nitwitted writer are you? You gave your character blue eyes in scene one and green eyes in scene two!" then I will raise up a shrine in your honor and burn candles upon your altar.
Constructive criticism, enquiries, and idle chit-chat may be sent to Mx. Dusk Peterson at duskpeterson(at)fastmail.fm. My emergency contact is Mr. Joe Noakes at lemurjoe(at)gmail.com.
Subscription e-books (mirror sites):
See also Copyright, AI policy, and fanworks.
Copyright notice for the home page:
This text, or a variation on it, was originally
published at duskpeterson.com.
Copyright © 1963–2025 Dusk Peterson. Some rights reserved.
The text is licensed under a Creative
Attribution Noncommercial License
(creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0). You may freely print, post,
e-mail, share, or otherwise distribute the text for noncommercial
purposes, provided that you include this paragraph. The author's policies
on derivative works and fan works are available online