TOPMAN ¶ Online Writings by and about John Preston

Mr. Benson is Advertised . . . Again and Again

This page includes an erotic image.

Mr. Benson was first advertised in book form by Alternate Publishing (the publisher of Drummer) at Christmastime in 1979, before the novel had even finished being serialized. A series of printers refused to handle the book, which was not released until 1983. By that time, the byline for the book had changed from Jack Prescott to John Preston.

Advertisement from Drummer #36 (1980).

Advertisement from Drummer #40 (1980).

Advertisement from Drummer #66 (1983).

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Creative Commons License: Some Rights ReservedThis text, or a variation on it, was originally published at as part of Topman: Online Writings by and about John Preston. Copyright © 2004 Dusk Peterson. Some rights reserved. The text is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License ( You may freely print, post, e-mail, share, or otherwise distribute the text for noncommercial purposes, provided that you include this paragraph. The author's policies on derivative works and fan works are available online (