TOPMAN ¶ Online Writings by and about John Preston

John Preston Becomes Engaged to be Married

(November 3, 1968)

By Eleanor Page

This is an exciting fall for Miss Mary Dell Long, daughter of Mrs. Thomas Joseph Long of East Chestnut Street and the late Mr. Long.

She and her mother returned only a few days ago from traveling in Portugal, Spain, Morocco, and England. And yesterday, at a gathering from 4 to 6 p.m. at home, Mrs. Long announced her daughter's engagement to John Leslie Preston Jr. The wedding will take place in January.

Mr. Preston, son of Mr. and Mrs. Preston of Medfield, Mass., and Madison, N.H., attended Lake Forest college where he presently is in administration.

Helping to welcome guests yesterday was the prospective bride's uncle, John T. O'Connor, Jr.

This passage is excerpted from Eleanor Page's "Clare Jets in to Toast Our Tish," Chicago Tribune (November 4, 1968), page B8.

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