Excerpt from "Don Ysidro," by Bruce Holland Rogers: "A little after the priest came and went, I died. Word spread. People came to our house. My family asked first for things of mine that they wanted. Then the other neighbors. Don Francisco stood near my body and said, 'Don Ysidro, may I have your shovel? I need one, and your sons-in-law can dig new clay for Susana."
"I said, 'Take it with my blessing.'"
¶ Wyrdsmiths: Pixel-Stained Technopeasant Wyrdsmiths Stories. From a Twin Cities area speculative fiction writers' group. Announcment by member Kelly Mccullough at sfwa. Short fiction by Eleanor Arnason, Douglas Hulick, Naomi Kritzer, Kelly Mccullough, Lyda Morehouse, and Sean M. Murphy.
Excerpt from "Grammarian's Five Daughters," by Eleanor Arnason: "The mother thought for a while, then produced a bag. 'In here are nouns, which I consider the solid core and treasure of language. I give them to you because you're the oldest. Take them and do what you can with them.'"
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