BURIED TREASURE ¶ Recommendations of Online Male Homoerotic Stories and Male Friendship Stories (and anything else that catches my interest) |
(Skip to the text.) Visitors should be aware that some of the sites linked below are intended for mature readers. But not nearly as many as some of you would like.
Note: Subject headings aren't used below on reviews after October 2010. The blurbs should make clear the nature of the work. See also my Goodreads reviews.
Platonic feelings or erotic attraction:
Fiction genres and themes:
Time periods:
Fandoms, shared universes, and literary satires:
Poetry, nonfiction, and video genres (see also fiction genres
for fiction poetry and fiction films):
by BlackMamba as a trailer for TokenBlackGirl's original fiction story
Heterosexual fiction, contemporary fiction, race/ethnicity themes, spy
fiction, music videos.¶ Online videos. ¶ References to topics
of sexuality. On-screen violence. ¶ Review.
All Quiet on the Western Front. (See also the trailer.) Life in the World War One trenches is only kept bearable by friendship. ¶ Male friendship fiction, historical fiction (World War One), military fiction. ¶ Online videos and trailers of fiction films. (See also my recommendation of the novel.) ¶ On-screen violence. ¶ Review.
E. F. Benson: David Blaize. A stolid, faithful pal and a quicksilver, exciting older boy serve as bookends in the life of a schoolboy. ¶ Male friendship fiction, male romantic friendship fiction, historical fiction (1910s), mentor fiction, school fiction. ¶ Fiction books and online fiction. ¶ References to topics of sexuality. References to topics of violence. ¶ Review.
E. F. Benson: David Blaize of King's (also published as David of King's) ¶ Print book ¶ Now a nineteen-year-old student at King's College, Cambridge, David is just as sweet and affectionate as he was in David Blaize. Meanwhile, forever-angst-ridden Frank is worrying how David's growing maturity will affect their friendship. ¶ Excerpt.
Brideshead Revisited (2008 film). A remake of the classic tale of a university student's romantic friendship with an aristocrat. ¶ Male homoerotic fiction, heterosexual fiction, class/rank themes, family relationship themes, historical fiction (post World War One; World War Two), love stories, mental illness themes, military fiction, spirituality themes. ¶ Trailers of fiction films. ¶ On-screen sex. ¶ Review.
James Buchanan: Hard Fall ¶ E-book with online sample; site warning page ¶ A gay, cliff-climbing ex-con sets out to erotically tease a Mormon deputy sheriff. The deputy sheriff – who just happens to be an in-the-closet gay – isn't going to stand for it. The author's excellent use of Utah dialect and culture propels this story. ¶ Review.
Justin Buchbinder: Gianni. Male homoerotic fiction, contemporary fiction, prostitute fiction, erotic love story. ¶ Online fiction. ¶ On-screen sex. (Site warning.) ¶ Review.
Lauren P. Burka: Mate and Whip-Hand. (Alternative link to Mate.) Male homoerotic fiction, heterosexual fiction, femdom fiction, science fiction, BDSM fiction, employer/employee fiction, erotic love stories. ¶ Online fiction and fiction books (out of print). ¶ On-screen sex. On-screen violence. ¶ Review.
Pat Califia: The House Boy's First Day. (Skip down to the poem.) Female homoerotic fiction, narrative poetry, contemporary fiction, gender variance themes, leather fiction, love stories. ¶ Online samples of poetry books. ¶ References to topics of sexuality. (Site warning.) ¶ Review.
Jane Carnall: Keptverse. Taken from an arena where slaves kill each other for the entertainment of free people, a slave is sent to a household where the rules for survival aren't clear. ¶ Male homoerotic fiction, male/male friendship fiction, male/female friendship fiction, female/female friendship fiction, alternate universe, crime themes, employer/employee fiction, erotic fiction, fan fiction (various fandoms), mental illness themes, prisoner fiction, shared universe (A Kept Boy), slave fiction. ¶ Online fiction. ¶ On-screen sex. On-screen violence. ¶ Review.
Jane Carnall: MirrorM*A*S*H (Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14) and MirrorM*A*S*H: Through the Mirror (Author's Website. Later chapters will presumably appear here.) A surgeon seeks to escape from the nightmare of war by buying a brothel slave. ¶ Male homoerotic fiction, male friendship fiction, alternate universe, erotic fiction, fan fiction (M*A*S*H), historical fantasy (Korean War), military fiction, prisoner fiction, prostitution fiction, slave fiction, spirituality themes. ¶ Online fiction. ¶ On-screen sex and on-screen violence. ¶ Review.
M. Chandler: Shadow of the Templar. A wacky cat burglar encounters equally wacky FBI agents. Brilliant dialogue ensues. ¶ Male homoerotic fiction, male friendship fiction, male/female friendship fiction, heterosexual fiction, contemporary fiction, crime themes, disability themes, employer/employee fiction, erotic fiction, mysteries, race/ethnicity themes, shared universe (Shadow of the Templar), spy fiction. ¶ Online fiction and fiction books. ¶ On-screen sex, but more often off-screen than on. On-screen violence. ¶ Review.
A. C. Chapin. Wittenberg. Male homoerotic fiction, historical fiction (Renaissance Era), sonnets, fan fiction (Shakespeare's Hamlet). ¶ Online poetry. ¶ No mature subject matter. ¶ Review.
C.S.A.: The Confederate States of America ¶ Film with online trailer ¶ "What if the South won?" Not terribly realistic as alternative history (surely there is more to white Southern culture than racism and hillbilly music), this mockumentary is actually a satire making viewers aware of dark trends in current American culture. As one reviewer put it, "CSA isn't comedy, it's prophecy with jokes."
David C.: Cruel Fate. A hardened leatherman meets a naive young man at a bar. ¶ Male homoerotic fiction, contemporary fiction, leather fiction, erotic fiction. ¶ Online fiction. ¶ On-screen sex. On-screen violence. (Site warning.) ¶ Review.
David Doty: Gallant is Aroused; Goofy is Horny. Male homoerotic fiction, contemporary fiction, fan fiction (Goofus and Gallant), erotic fiction, satire. ¶ Online fiction. ¶ On-screen sex. ¶ Review.
Drama Queen (Flash). Music by Bimbo Boy. Directed by Johnny K. Wu. Male homoerotic fiction, contemporary fiction, music videos. ¶ Online videos. ¶ References to topics of sexuality. ¶ Review.
Manna Francis: The Administration. (Alternative link.) Male homoerotic fiction, male/female friendship fiction, female homoerotic fiction, science fiction, BDSM fiction, prisoner fiction, crime themes, employer/employee fiction, family relationship themes, mental illness themes, erotic love story. ¶ Online fiction and fiction books. ¶ Mixed ratings. On-screen sex (some stories). On-screen violence (some stories). (Site warning.) ¶ Review.
Manna Francis: Quid Pro Quo. (Author's Website.) The latest volume in the Administration series, about a pathological torturer and his lover, who despises torture but loves SM. ¶ Male homoerotic fiction, male/female friendship fiction, BDSM fiction, employer/employee fiction, erotic fiction, family relationship themes, mental illness themes, mysteries, science fiction. ¶ Online fiction and online samples of fiction books. ¶ On-screen sex. On-screen violence. ¶ Review.
Manna Francis: Control. (Author's Website.) The fourth volume in the Administration series, about a pathological torturer and his lover, who despises torture but loves SM. ¶ Male homoerotic fiction, male/female friendship fiction, BDSM fiction, employer/employee fiction, erotic fiction, mental illness themes, mysteries, prisoner fiction, science fiction. ¶ Online fiction and online samples of fiction books. ¶ On-screen sex. On-screen violence. ¶ Review.
Diana Gabaldon: Excerpt from Voyager and Excerpt from Lord John and the Private Matter. Heterosexual fiction, male homoerotic fiction, historical fantasy (Enlightenment Era), historical fiction (Enlightenment Era), mysteries, class/rank themes, military fiction, prisoner fiction, erotic love stories. ¶ Online samples of fiction books. ¶ Mixed ratings. On-screen sex (some stories). On-screen violence. ¶ Review.
Diana Gabaldon: Lord John and the Blade of the Brotherhood. Lord John finds himself caught between his duty toward the military and his duty toward a fellow soldier he may or may not love. ¶ Male homoerotic fiction, male friendship fiction, class/rank themes, family relationship themes, historical fantasy (Enlightenment Era), military themes, mysteries, prisoner fiction. ¶ Online samples of fiction books. ¶ On-screen sex. On-screen violence. ¶ Review.
M. Fae Glasgow: A Gentleman's Gentleman. Male homoerotic fiction, historical fiction (post World War One), mental illness themes, military fiction, servant fiction, fan fiction (Lord Peter Wimsey), erotic love stories. ¶ Online fiction. ¶ On-screen sex. References to topics of violence. (Site warning.) ¶ Review.
Jesse Hajicek: The God Eaters. Male homoerotic fiction, science fantasy, erotic love stories, prisoner fiction, prostitution fiction. ¶ Online fiction and fiction books. ¶ On-screen sex. On-screen violence. ¶ Review.
Hank and Nick: Cutter Falls. (Hank's blog. Nick's blog.) A realistic BDSM series about a submissive torn between his family and his top. ¶ Male homoerotic fiction, heterosexual fiction, contemporary fiction, BDSM fiction, family relationship themes, erotic love stories. ¶ Online fiction. ¶ On-screen sex. On-screen violence. ¶ Review.
Robert A. Heinlein: The Puppet Masters. Male friendship fiction, heterosexual fiction, love stories, science fiction, employer/employee fiction, family relationship themes, spy fiction. ¶ Online fiction (authorized edition) and fiction books. ¶ References to topics of sexuality. On-screen violence. ¶ Review.
The Index: OriginalFic. Male homoerotic fiction, erotic fiction. ¶ Online fiction Web directories. ¶ Mixed ratings. On-screen sex (some stories). On-screen violence (some stories). ¶ Review.
Catherine Jinks: Pagan's Crusade and the rest of the Pagan series. A cynical streetboy pairs up with an idealistic Crusader. ¶ Male friendship fiction, male homoerotic fiction, class/rank themes, historical fiction (Middle Ages), mentor fiction, military fiction, spirituality themes. ¶ Online samples of fiction books. ¶ On-screen violence. ¶ Review.
Guy Gavriel Kay: Excerpts from Tigana and Other Novels. Epic historical fantasy about friendships made and broken. ¶ Male friendship fiction, male/female friendship fiction, female friendship fiction, heterosexual fiction, male homoerotic fiction, love stories, historical fantasy (Renaissance Era), war fiction, family relationship themes, spirituality themes, class/rank themes. ¶ Online samples of fiction books. ¶ References to topics of sexuality. On-screen violence. ¶ Review.
Josh Lanyon: Man, Oh Man! Writing M/M Fiction for Kinks and Cash. (Author's Website.) A popular writer offers advice on authoring M/M fiction, as well as quoting professionals working in that field. ¶ Male homoerotic nonfiction, authorship manuals. ¶ Nonfiction books and nonfiction e-books. ¶ On-screen sex. On-screen violence (occasional) ¶ Review.
Mamih Lapinatapai: West and Brose. Male homoerotic fiction, contemporary fiction, employer/employee fiction, family relationship themes, erotic love stories. ¶ Online fiction. ¶ On-screen sex. ¶ Review.
Ursula K. Le Guin: The Other Wind. Haunted by disturbing dreams of the dead, a widower seeks help from Earthsea's former Archmage, now an old man. ¶ Gen (with a heterosexual fiction subplot), class/rank themes, fantasy, race/ethnicity themes, spirituality themes. ¶ Online samples of fiction books. ¶ References to topics of violence. ¶ Review.
Clare London: Freeman. (Author's Website.) An experienced-scarred man finds himself drawn toward a naive young man. Unbeknownst to them, both pose a danger to the other. ¶ Male homoerotic fiction, male friendship fiction, heterosexual fiction, contemporary fiction, crime themes, employer/employee fiction, erotic love stories, family relationship themes, mentor fiction. ¶ Fiction e-books. ¶ On-screen sex. On-screen violence ¶ Review.
Maculategiraffe: The Slave Breakers. (Latest chapters.) Three slaves deemed difficult are sent to the slave breakers for retraining. ¶ Male homoerotic fiction, male/female friendship fiction, heterosexual fiction, alternate universe, BDSM fiction, class/rank themes, erotic love stories, family relationship themes, femdom fiction, shared universe (The Slave Breakers), slave fiction, spirituality themes. ¶ Online fiction. ¶ On-screen sex. On-screen violence. ¶ Review.
Thom Magister: The Slave Journals and Other Tales of the Old Guard ¶ Print book with online sample ¶ Love stories narrated by a series of leather masters from 1948 to 1980. Written by an author who draws upon his own memories of the earliest years of gay leather, Thom Magister's short stories are filled with realism, romance, healing sex, dialogue about responsibility, kisses on practically every page, and tons of masculinity. ¶ Excerpt.
Marquesate: Her Majesty's Men. (Entrance to author's site.) Male homoerotic fiction, contemporary fiction, military fiction, erotic love stories. ¶ Online samples of fiction books. ¶ On-screen sex. On-screen violence. ¶ Review.
Richard J. Martin: On the Big Yard. Male homoerotic fiction, contemporary fiction, narrative poetry, prisoner fiction. ¶ Online poetry. ¶ References to topics of sexuality. On-screen violence. (Site warning.) ¶ Review.
Master List of Original Slash. Male homoerotic fiction. ¶ Online fiction Web directory. ¶ Mixed ratings. On-screen sex (some stories). On-screen violence (some stories). ¶ Review.
MAS-Zine. Male homoerotic fiction, prisoner fiction, slave fiction, prostitution fiction, erotic love stories. ¶ Fiction e-zine (downloadable, for sale) and links to online fiction. ¶ Mixed ratings. On-screen sex (some stories). On-screen violence (some stories). ¶ Review.
Susan R. Matthews: Jurisdiction: Scenes from the Cutting Room Floor. A young doctor who wishes to heal patients is forced to become a torturer. ¶ Male friendship fiction, male homoerotic fiction, male/female friendship fiction, heterosexual fiction, science fiction, slave fiction, mental illness themes, family relationship themes, military fiction, crime themes, love stories, prisoner fiction, race/ethnicity themes, class/rank themes. ¶ Online samples of fiction books. ¶ Mixed ratings. On-screen sex (some stories, brief, heterosexual). On-screen violence. ¶ Review.
Mayhap: Matters Then Befitting Well. Male homoerotic fiction, historical fantasy (Middle Ages), fan fiction (The Divine Comedy), erotic fiction, satire. ¶ Online fiction. ¶ On-screen sex. ¶ Review.
Blake Nelson: Gender Blender. A sixth-grade boy and girl switch bodies. ¶ Male/female friendship fiction, heterosexual fiction, contemporary fiction, fantasy, gender variance themes, school fiction. ¶ Fiction books. ¶ References to topics of sexuality and on-screen violence (mild violence) ¶ Review.
Patricia A. McKillip: Alphabet of Thorn. A book in a mysterious alphabet draws a transcriber and her allies into a mystery of the past. ¶ Male/female friendship fiction, heterosexual fiction, fantasy, class/rank themes, love stories, mentor fiction, war fiction. ¶ Online samples of fiction books. ¶ References to topics of violence. ¶ Review.
Syd McGinley: The Complete Dr. Fell, Volume 1: Lost. (Author's Website. Protagonist's Website, including online excerpts from the Dr. Fell stories.) A group of rich masters swap their leatherboys back and forth with cheerful abandon. Then one master meets an arrogant boy who needs to be taken down a few knotches. ¶ Male homoerotic fiction, male friendship fiction, BDSM fiction, contemporary fiction, erotic fiction, spirituality themes. ¶ Fiction books (collecting stories originally published as fiction e-books). ¶ On-screen sex. On-screen violence. ¶ Review.
Syd McGinley: The Complete Dr. Fell, Volume Two: Found. (Author's Website. Protagonist's Website, including online excerpts from the Dr. Fell stories.) Male homoerotic fiction, male friendship fiction, BDSM fiction, contemporary fiction, erotic love stories. ¶ Fiction books (collecting stories originally published as fiction e-books). ¶ On-screen sex. On-screen violence. ¶ Review.
Mouse: Jump. Male homoerotic fiction, science fiction, erotic fiction. ¶ Online fiction. ¶ On-screen sex. On-screen violence. ¶ Review.
Mystique: The Best of the Bargain. Male homoerotic fiction, science fantasy, slave fiction, erotic fiction, fan fiction (The Phantom Menace). ¶ Online fiction. ¶ On-screen sex. On-screen violence. (Site warning.) ¶ Review.
Nifty. Male homoerotic fiction, female homoerotic fiction, gender variance themes, erotic fiction. ¶ Online fiction archives. ¶ Mixed ratings. On-screen sex (some stories). On-screen violence (some stories). ¶ Review.
Naomi Novik: Victory of Eagles and the rest of the Temeraire series. When Napoleon threatens Britain's future, a captain and his dragon must choose between the claims of conscience and the bindings of duty to one's country. ¶ Male friendship fiction, class/rank themes, gender variance themes, historical fantasy (early nineteenth century), mentor fiction, military fiction, prisoner fiction. ¶ Online samples of fiction books. ¶ On-screen violence. ¶ Review.
Lija O'Brien: Staged Life. (Warning: The linked blurb at the publisher's site has major spoilers.) A turn-of-the-century girl on the run from her abusive uncle seeks refuge with a company of vaudeville actors. ¶ Female homoerotic fiction, male/female friendship fiction, male homoerotic fiction, family relationship themes, gender variance themes, historical fiction (post World War One), race/ethnicity themes. ¶ Fiction books. ¶ References to topics of violence. ¶ Review.
Thomas Mott Osborne: Within Prison Walls. A prison supervisor has himself incarcerated in order to experience life behind bars. ¶ Male friendship nonfiction, memoirs (Edwardian Era), prisoner nonfiction. ¶ Online nonfiction and nonfiction books. ¶ On-screen violence. ¶ Review.
Parhelion: Cirrus and Sundogs (assorted fiction, both original fiction and fan fiction). Gay and lesbian romance stories set between the World Wars. ¶ Male homoerotic fiction, female homoerotic fiction, historical fiction (post World War One and mid/late 20th century), historical fantasy (Victorian Era), love stories, erotic love stories, crime themes, mysteries, employer/employee fiction, fan fiction (Nero Wolfe and various fandoms). ¶ Online fiction and fiction e-books. ¶ Mixed ratings. On-screen sex (some stories). On-screen violence (some stories). ¶ Review.
Lucius Parhelion: Acquisitions and Mergers: The Four of Wands. (Warning: The linked blurb at the publisher's site has major spoilers.) As two scientists prepare for the sale of their laboratory, the protagonist finds he must introduce his friend to the undercover portion of his life. ¶ Male homoerotic fiction, employer/employee fiction, erotic love stories, historical fiction (mid/late 20th century). ¶ Fiction e-books. ¶ On-screen sex. ¶ Review.
Randall S. Peffer: Watermen (with an excerpt at Amazon). A young schoolteacher struggles to prove his worth during a year among the rough-and-ready fishermen of Tilghman Island on the Chesapeake Bay. ¶ Male friendship nonfiction, memoirs, nautical nonfiction. ¶ Nonfiction books. ¶ References to topics of sexuality (brief). On-screen violence (brief). ¶ Review.
Jennifer Pelland: Snow Day. Heterosexual fiction, science fiction, slave fiction. ¶ Online fiction. ¶ References to topics of sexuality. ¶ Review.
People with a History. Male homoerotic fiction, male homoerotic nonfiction, female homoerotic fiction, female homoerotic nonfiction, gender variance themes. ¶ Mixed ratings. References to topics of sexuality (some writings). References to topics of violence (some writings). ¶ Online fiction Web directory. Online nonfiction Web directory. ¶ Review.
Dusk Peterson: Love in Dark Settings (assorted stories and nonfiction). My own fiction and nonfiction. Male homoerotic fiction, male friendship fiction, male/female friendship fiction, heterosexual fiction, BDSM fiction, class/rank themes, contemporary fiction, crime themes, employer/employee fiction, erotic fiction, erotic love stories, family relationship themes, fantasy, gender variance themes, historical fantasy, leather fiction, love stories, mental illness themes, mentor fiction, military fiction, prisoner fiction, prostitution fiction, race/ethnicity themes, satire, science fiction, servant fiction, slave fiction, spirituality themes, theater fiction. ¶ Online fiction and fiction e-books. ¶ Main Bookshelf: Mixed ratings. References to topics of sexuality. On-screen violence (some stories). High Bookshelf: Mixed ratings. On-screen sex (some stories). On-screen violence (some stories). ¶ Description.
Ian Philips: Toad and Foucault's Pendulous. Male homoerotic fiction, fantasy, fan fiction (The Wind in the Willows), leather fiction, erotic fiction, gender variance themes, satire. ¶ Online fiction. ¶ First story: On-screen sex. On-screen violence. Second story: References to topics of sexuality. (Warning for first site. Warning for second site.) ¶ Review.
Poisontaster: A Kept Boy. (Latest chapters.) The slave wants sex with his master. The master thinks that would be sexual abuse. ¶ Male homoerotic fiction, male friendship fiction, female homoerotic fiction, alternate universe, class/rank themes, erotic love stories, mental illness themes, real person fiction (CWRPS), shared universe (A Kept Boy), slave fiction. ¶ Online fiction. ¶ On-screen sex. References to topics of violence. ¶ Review.
John Preston: Introduction to Lars Eighner's Lavender Blue. Male homoerotic nonfiction, contemporary nonfiction, narrative nonfiction. ¶ Online samples of nonfiction books. ¶ References to topics of sexuality. (Site warning.) ¶ Review.
Ranger: Fleur de Lys. (Alternative link to the first six chapters.) Male homoerotic fiction, male friendship fiction, historical fiction (World War One), military fiction, class/rank themes, family relationship themes, mental illness themes, erotic love stories. ¶ Online fiction. ¶ On-screen sex. On-screen violence. (Site warning.) ¶ Review.
Ernest Raymond: Tell England. Two boys striving for something higher than the mundanities of school life find what they seek in the fields of war. ¶ Male friendship fiction, male romantic friendship fiction, historical fiction (1910s and World War One), mentor fiction, military fiction, school fiction, spirituality themes. ¶ Fiction books and online fiction. ¶ On-screen violence. ¶ Review.
Recommended fanvids. Male homoerotic fiction, male friendship fiction, fan fiction (various fandoms), music videos. ¶ Online videos. ¶ Mixed ratings. On-screen sex (brief; some videos). On-screen violence (some videos). ¶ Description.
Gloriana Reginata: Macius and Quiaius: The Historical Evidence. Male homoerotic fiction, historical fiction (Ancient Rome), fan fiction (The Phantom Menace), satire. ¶ Online fiction. ¶ References to topics of sexuality. (Site warning.) ¶ Review.
Erich Maria Remarque: Excerpt from All Quiet on the Western Front. Life in the World War One trenches is only kept bearable by friendship. ¶ Male friendship fiction, historical fiction (World War One), military fiction. ¶ Online samples of fiction books. (This extended excerpt at Google Books has some missing pages. See also my recommendation of the film adaptation.) ¶ References to topics of sexuality. On-screen violence. ¶ Review.
Remy: Pride. Male homoerotic fiction, science fiction, slave fiction, prisoner fiction, erotic love stories. ¶ Online fiction. ¶ On-screen sex. On-screen violence. ¶ Review.
Mary Renault: Excerpt from The Last of the Wine and Excerpt from The Charioteer. Classic novels from a pioneer author of male homoerotic fiction. ¶ Male homoerotic fiction, historical fiction (Ancient Greece and World War Two), military fiction, class/rank themes, family relationship themes, mentor fiction, love stories, spirituality themes. ¶ Online samples of fiction books. ¶ References to topics of sexuality. On-screen violence. ¶ Review.
Scribe: Roman Enslavement. A modern woman is sent back to Ancient Rome, where she immediately becomes prey to plots against her liberty. ¶ Heterosexual fiction, historical fantasy (Roman Era), erotic fiction, slave fiction, spirituality themes. ¶ Online fiction. ¶ On-screen sex. On-screen violence. (Site warning.) ¶ Review.
Shousetsu Bang*Bang. Male homoerotic fiction, erotic fiction. ¶ Fiction e-zines. Also available as a story archive. ¶ Mixed ratings. On-screen sex (some stories). On-screen violence (some stories). ¶ Review.
Slash Cotillion. [No longer online, alas, and archive.org didn't archive it, darn it.] Male homoerotic fiction, historical fiction (various eras), historical fantasy (various eras), fan fiction (various fandoms), erotic fiction. ¶ Online fiction archives. ¶ Mixed ratings. On-screen sex (some stories). On-screen violence (some stories). ¶ Review.
Mary Stewart: The Moon-Spinners. A young woman visiting Crete stumbles across a young man in hiding from killers. ¶ Heterosexual fiction, contemporary fiction, mysteries, love stories, crime themes, prisoner fiction, race/ethnicity themes. ¶ Online samples of fiction books. ¶ On-screen violence. ¶ Review.
Strange Horizons. Gen (with some heterosexual fiction and homoerotic fiction), science fiction, fantasy. ¶ Mixed ratings. References to topics of sexuality (some stories). On-screen violence (some stories). ¶ Fiction e-zines. ¶ Review.
Sugar Baby Love (QuickTime). Alternative link, with credits (QuickTime). Music by the Rubettes. Directed by Wilfred Brimo. Male homoerotic fiction, heterosexual fiction, erotic love stories, contemporary fiction, animation, music videos. ¶ Online videos. ¶ First video: On-screen sex. On-screen violence. Second video: On-screen sex. References to topics of violence. ¶ Review.
Aaron Travis: Blue Light. Male homoerotic fiction, contemporary fiction, leather fiction, horror fiction, fantasy, erotic fiction. ¶ Fiction e-books. ¶ On-screen sex. On-screen violence. ¶ Review.
True Tales: An Erotic E-zine of Masculinity and Power. Male homoerotic fiction, male homoerotic nonfiction, leather fiction, military fiction, erotic fiction. ¶ Fiction e-zines, nonfiction e-zines. ¶ Mixed ratings. On-screen sex (some writings). On-screen violence (some writings). ¶ Description.
Megan Whalen Turner: The Thief and the rest of the Thief series. There's more to a young thief than his prison-keepers realize. ¶ Male friendship fiction, male/female friendship fiction, heterosexual fiction, class/rank themes, fantasy, love stories, military fiction, prisoner fiction, servant fiction, spy fiction. ¶ Online samples of fiction books. ¶ On-screen violence. ¶ Review.
The Two Sides of Monsieur Valentine (QuickTime, MP4, and Flash). Alternative link (official site; requires SWF to enter site; click on Videos link). Music by Spoon. Directed by Ryan Junell. ¶ Contemporary fiction, gender variance themes, music videos. ¶ References to topics of sexuality. ¶ Online videos. ¶ Review.
Velvet Mafia and Suspect Thoughts. Male homoerotic fiction, female homoerotic fiction, gender variance themes, erotic fiction. ¶ Fiction e-zines. ¶ Mixed ratings. On-screen sex (some stories). On-screen violence (some stories). ¶ Review.
La Vie Boheme A and La Vie Boheme B (flash). Music and lyrics by Jonathan Larson. Directed by Chris Columbo. (See also the wonderfully innocuous trailer, which gives no hint of the transgressive nature of the film.) Male homoerotic fiction, female homoerotic fiction, heterosexual fiction, male friendship fiction, music videos, contemporary fiction. ¶ Online samples of fiction films and trailers of fiction films. ¶ References to topics of sexuality. References to topics of violence. ¶ Review.
Evangeline Walton: The Cross and the Sword. In the eleventh century, a Viking warrior is caught in a bloody struggle between Norsemen and Englishmen over the fate of England. ¶ Heterosexual fiction, male friendship fiction, class/rank themes, family relationship themes, historical fiction (Middle Ages), love stories, military fiction, prisoner fiction, race/ethnicity themes, spirituality themes. ¶ Fiction books. ¶ References to topics of sexuality. On-screen violence. ¶ Review.
Alec Waugh: The Loom of Youth. A student rebels against the hypocrisy his schoolmasters show toward such subjects as cribbing, athletics, and homosexuality. ¶ Male friendship fiction, male romantic friendship fiction, historical fiction (1910s and World War One), school fiction. ¶ Fiction books and online fiction. ¶ References to topics of sexuality. References to topics of violence. ¶ Review.
Christopher White: Skipjack: The Story of America's Last Sailing Oystermen ¶ Print book with online sample ¶ In 1951, a teacher who became a waterman described life on Tilghman Island, where "watermen" still used skipjack sailboats to dredge for oysters. Not long afterwards, a journalist interviewed Tilghman watermen, including a captain who had been catching oysters since the turn of the century. In the 1970s, a teacher who worked as a waterman recorded life on Tilghman. Now a journalist who worked as a waterman, Christopher White, has recorded the lives of what may be the final generation of Tilghman watermen to sail boats as they dredge for oysters. ¶ Excerpt.
Wombat: The Funny Stuff. Male homoerotic fiction, contemporary fiction, fan fiction (various fandoms), satire, erotic fiction. ¶ Online fiction. ¶ References to topics of sexuality. References to topics of violence. (Site warning.) ¶ Review.
Shinju Yuri: Your Cover's Blown. Male homoerotic fiction, science fiction, alternate universe (Victorian Era), erotic love stories, crime themes. ¶ Online fiction. ¶ On-screen sex. ¶ Review.
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