Sections below:
Essay Descriptions and Links to Essays.
Essays by Category: Disabilities | Freedom of Expression & Human Rights | Gay History | Gender Issues | History of Friendship and Romantic Friendship | Intellectual and Cultural History | Leather History | Religion and Ethics | Writing and Literature.
Ampersand History: Intersections Between History & Science & Art & Music & Literature & Religion & Philosophy. A collection of articles on intellectual and cultural history.
"Drag Queens, Leathermen, and Telling the Truth: Franny and the Life of John Preston." In the 2005 Arsenal Pulp edition of John Preston's novel Franny, the Queen of Provincetown. Describes the way in which the author's gay activism and his participation in leather life shaped his views on gender. Buy the book: Franny, the Queen of Provincetown (paperback, directly from the publisher) | Franny, the Queen of Provincetown (paperback at various retailers).
Editorials from True Tales. (Off-site link to True Tales, a gay e-zine for adults only.)
A Fiction Writer's Ethical Obligations. What can fiction writers do when their characters refuse to behave themselves?
Girls Who Like Boys Who Like Boys Who Like Leather: M/M Writers of BDSM Fiction. The history and current state of a fiction subgenre.
Historical Fantasy – Why Not Just Write Historical Fiction? An essay on authorship.
The History of DS and Its Kin. Traces the history of a leather term.
"Introduction to Aphrodite," a poetry collection by Ted Carter (Skarlet Press, 2010). Describes the circumstances in which these sensuous New Orleans poems were written. Buy the book or e-book: Aphrodite (paperback at Lulu) | Aphrodite (paperback at various retailers) | Aphrodite (PDF e-book at Lulu).
The Life and Writings of John Preston. An introduction to the author who was equally well-known for his leather novels and his mainstream gay writings.
The Misguided Search for "Homoeroticism": A Plea for Research on Friendship. Includes links related to the history of friendship. (Off-site link to The World History of Male Love.)
Romantic Friendship: Not Just a Code Word for Gay. Summarizes the history of romantic friendship, with a consideration of its ties to gay history. (Off-site link to The World History of Male Love.)
What is Darkfic? An essay on the various ways in which the term "dark fiction" is used.
What is Historical Fantasy? An essay on the various ways in which the term "historical fantasy" is used.
What is Homoerotic Fiction? An essay on the various ways in which the terms "homoerotic fiction" and "homoerotica" are used.
What is Original Gen, Original Het, and Original Slash? An essay on three genres that originated in the fan fiction community.
A Fiction Writer's Ethical Obligations.
Afterword to Lovers' Legends: The Gay Greek Myths.
Drag Queens, Leathermen, and Telling the Truth: Franny and the Life of John Preston.
The Eternal Debate in Classical Times.
Girls Who Like Boys Who Like Boys Who Like Leather: M/M Writers of BDSM Fiction.
The Life and Writings of John Preston.
The Misguided Search for "Homoeroticism": A Plea for Research on Friendship.
Romantic Friendship: Not Just a Code Word for Gay.
Drag Queens, Leathermen, and Telling the Truth: Franny and the Life of John Preston.
The Misguided Search for "Homoeroticism": A Plea for Research on Friendship.
Romantic Friendship: Not Just a Code Word for Gay.
Drag Queens, Leathermen, and Telling the Truth: Franny and the Life of John Preston.
Girls Who Like Boys Who Like Boys Who Like Leather: M/M Writers of BDSM Fiction.
The History of DS and Its Kin.
The Life and Writings of John Preston.
Afterword to Lovers' Legends: The Gay Greek Myths. (Greek religion and Christianity.)
The Eternal Debate in Classical Times. (Greek and Roman religions.)
A Fiction Writer's Ethical Obligations. (Ethics. Includes quotations from a book on Christianity by Dorothy L. Sayers.)
A Fiction Writer's Ethical Obligations.
Historical Fantasy – Why Not Just Write Historical Fiction?
What is Original Gen, Original Het, and Original Slash?
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Love in Dark Settings: Fiction and Nonfiction
by Dusk Peterson
text, or a variation on it, was originally published at
Copyright © 2004-2008 Dusk Peterson. Some rights reserved. The text
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