Buried Treasure: Recommendations of Online Male Homoerotic Stories and Male Friendship Stories.
Dusk Peterson's Friendship Fiction and Romantic Friendship Fiction. Be aware that some of these stories also have plotlines involving sexual attraction; the story tags above the summaries will reveal if they do. (Off-site link.)
Links on the History of Friendship, Romantic Friendship, Romance, and Sexuality.
Male Romantic Friendships in Historical Photography and Literature.
Masculinity, Crime, and Everyday Life in Victorian and Edwardian Times: A Bibliography of Printed and Online Resources. A number of the books and articles listed deal with the topic of male friendship.
Sites on the History and Literature of Western Hierarchical Relationships. Focusses on relationships between people of different status or rank. Touches briefly on the lack of writings on the history of friendship.
Romantic Friendship: Not Just a Code Word for Gay. Summarizes the history of romantic friendship, with a consideration of its ties to gay history. (Off-site link to The World History of Male Love.)
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Love in Dark Settings: Fiction and Nonfiction
by Dusk Peterson
text, or a variation on it, was originally published at duskpeterson.com.
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