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In 1974, an eleven-year-old writer prepared for the day when their early stories and journals would be published. Now it's time.

Linked Fantasies, Linked Futures looks back at the author's early writings and reading matter.


Linked Fantasies, Linked Futures: Early Fiction & Journals


STORYTELLER: A Documentary Memoir on Growing Up with Fantasy and Science Fiction.


STORYTELLER: A Documentary Memoir on Growing Up with Fantasy and Science Fiction

You're a speculative fiction writer. You create disabled characters, nonbinary characters, and Brown characters.

You're a kid born in 1963. What the heck do you do with your stories?

Collecting the author's early speculative fiction, journal entries, and modern commentary, Storyteller offers an alternative view of what it was like to read and write fantasy and science fiction as a Baby Boomer.

All current Storyteller writings. In reverse order of their posting.

Writings below that are not yet linked are coming soon.

I. The Early Years: Through Age 10 (1963–1974)

Fairies meet talkative planets in a mishmash of fantasy and science fiction, while a little gender-shifting takes place during a domestic adventure. Meanwhile, the USA sends its Apollo missions to the Moon, and libraries are full of classic fantasy novels for children.


Cover and Introduction.

The onion incident, four versions. Memoirs and autobiographical fiction.

The Brownie. Fairy tale retelling, with another story and images.

Recordings that shaped me, through age 10. Fantasy, etc.

That's the news. News summary.

Movies that shaped me, through age 10. Fantasy, etc.

Blizzard! Three works of adventure fiction, with images.

I am Different. Poem, with memoirs and an image.

TV that shaped me, through age 10. Fantasy, science fiction, etc.

Early historical works. Historical fiction and historical fact (more or less).

Early works about space. Science fact and science fantasy, with images.

Early journalism and self-publishing. News articles and editorials.

Books that shaped me, through age 10. Fantasy, science fiction, etc.

Sherry and the Pretend Friends. Fantasy story, with images.

Robert Lace, Best Soldier/Spy Ever. Speculative war fiction, with images.


Epigraph, Introduction, and Guide to This Series.

Dusk's Baby Boomer Bookshelf.

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Creative Commons License: Some Rights Reserved This text, or a variation on it, was originally published at duskpeterson.com. Copyright (c) 1963–2024 Dusk Peterson. Some rights reserved. The text is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License (creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0). You may freely print, post, e-mail, share, or otherwise distribute the text for noncommercial purposes, provided that you include this paragraph. The author's policies on derivative works and fan works are available online (duskpeterson.com/copyright.htm).