TOPMAN ¶ Online Writings by and about John Preston

John Preston Cover Gallery

Novels: The Black Berets, by "Mike McCray"

Deadly Reunion

(Black Berets #1)

Dell, 1984.

Covers for the Finnish editions of the Black Berets series are available at Kioskikirjallisuus – Pehmeät Kannet (Finnish Pulp – Soft Covers) on the following two pages: Mustat Baretit and Action. Preston authored or co-authored all of the first thirteen volumes in this series except #3, #4, and #8.

COVER GALLERY INDEX | Novels and Short Stories: Miscellaneous | The Master Series | The Mission of Alex Kane | Michael Sheriff, the Shield | The Black Berets | Soldiers of Barrabas | Fiction Anthologies | Nonfiction Anthologies | Nonfiction

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