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This page includes minor spoilers for Law Links and Blood Vow.
This geneological tree is designed to be read on both small and large computer screens, in a fixed-width (monospace, plain text) typeface, such as Courier. If you haven't changed your browser's settings, the tree should show up fine. If you have difficulties viewing the tree, a text version of the tree is available here.
The royal line appears in red.
Chara Carle
son of Purvis
Chara Verne
son of Carle
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Julia The Chara
Carle Erlina
married Nicholas
of Verne
Radley |
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Seymour The Chara To Be
The royal line is as follows: The Chara Purvis's two eldest sons were the Chara Duncan and Carle son of Purvis. The Chara Duncan begat the Chara Anthony, who begat two children, Julia and the Chara Nicholas. The Chara Nicholas begat the Chara To Be, Peter.
Two other lines are closely related to the royal line. In the first line, the Chara Anthony's daughter, Julia, married Radley, and they gave birth to Seymour. Seymour is thus cousin to the Chara To Be, Peter.
In the second related line, Carle son of Purvis begat Verne son of Carle, who was cousin to the Chara Anthony. Verne son of Carle begat two children: Erlina and Carle son of Verne. Both Erlina and Carle are second cousins to the Chara Nicholas and are second cousins once removed to the Chara To Be, Peter.
This text, or a variation on it, was originally published at duskpeterson.com.
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