As a bonus, the e-book also contains 30 collections of fiction recommendations and nonfiction, including annotated lists of hundreds of novels, short fiction, and memoirs, online and in print: friendship fiction, gay fiction and erotica, original slash and yaoi, leather fiction, Victorian and Edwardian writings, science fiction, fantasy, historical fantasy, and historical fiction.
Sections below:
Main Bookshelf: Friendship fiction and heterosexual fiction.
High Bookshelf: Friendship fiction and gay fiction.
Fiction Recommendations and Nonfiction.
Click on the links below in order to preview the contents of the e-book.
The Three Lands, a fantasy series on friendship, romance, and betrayal in times of war and peace.
Darkling Plain, fantasy tales about young people in times of conflict.
This series also contains Princeling, a fantasy novel set in a world where war has lasted for generations, From Hell to the Stars, a loose translation of a medieval science fiction classic, and Main Stream, a sampling of suspenseful historical fantasy stories.
The Eternal Dungeon, a historical fantasy series set in a land where the psychologists wield whips.
Life Prison, a historical fantasy series about male desire and determination in Victorian prisons.
Michael's House, a historical fantasy series set in an Edwardian slum.
Prison City, a historical fantasy series and retrofuture series based on the Chesapeake Bay oyster wars, boarding school rivalries in the 1910s, and 1960s visions of things to come.
Master/Other, gay fantasy and science fiction about prisoners, slaves, liegemen, and love.
This series also contains Leathermen, Plain Vanilla Straights, and Other Rebels, humor and satire about transgressive sexuality in the twenty-first century, and Unmasked, contemporary fiction about people who hide behind masks.
Loren's Lashes, a retro series about a Midwestern community of closeted leathermen.
Aslan's Kin: Interfaith Fantasy and Science Fiction.
The Boer War and Turn-of-the-Century Firearms: A Bibliography of Printed and Online Resources.
Booktrailer Links.
Buried Treasure: Recommendations of Online Male Homoerotic Stories and Male Friendship Stories (and anything else that catches my interest).
Essays by Dusk Peterson.
Gay and Lesbian Books in Alternative Formats.
GLBT Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature: A Web Directory.
Greenbelt Interfaith News.
Historical Fantasy: Links for Readers of Historical Fiction and Fantasy.
Hometown: Two Years in the Life of a Small Town Grown Large.
Homoerotic Historical Fiction Links.
International Directory of Online Leather Magazines and Newsletters.
International Pixel-Stained Technopeasant Day: A Directory of Online Creations.
Islanders and Watermen of the Chesapeake Bay: A Bibliography of Printed and Online Resources.
Leather Books in Alternative Formats.
Leather Culture, 1945-1985: A Bibliography of Printed and Online Resources.
Leather Fonds: Archives and Libraries with Collections Related to Leather Culture.
Leather TOCs: Tables of Contents for Leather Magazines.
Links on the History of Friendship, Romantic Friendship, Romance, and Sexuality.
A Little List of Links on Solitude, Simplicity, and Self-Discipline.
Male Romantic Friendships in Historical Photography and Literature.
Masculinity, Crime, and Everyday Life in Victorian and Edwardian Times: A Bibliography of Online and Printed Resources.
Online Resources for Blind and Partially Sighted Readers of Science Fiction and Fantasy.
Private Parlor: Online Male Homoerotic Fiction Recommendations by Guest Reviewers.
Retrofuture: Visions of the Future, 1945-1975.
Sites on the History and Literature of Western Hierarchical Relationships.
The Slash Skinny: Publishing News and Market Report on Original Slash.
Topman: Online Writings by and about John Preston.
Transcend: Leather Spirituality News and Links.
Historical notes to historical fantasy stories.
Excerpts from upcoming fiction.
Cover art galleries.
Information on the author.
Excerpts from reviews.
Site map.
Free: 7-Zip (Windows) or Unarchiver (Mac).
Popular: WinZip (Windows) or Stuffit (Mac).
How to open a zipped file in Windows without an unzipping program.
When you double-click on the zipped file, the unzipping program may automatically extract all of the files into a folder. If the unzipping program instead shows you a long list of files (00.htm, 01.htm, etc.), then select all of the files that the unzipping program shows. (You can select all the files by typing Control-A in Windows.) Extract the files into an empty folder.
Once the files are in the folder that either you or the unzipping program have chosen, the files will all appear in their proper order in that folder (the main folder). Go into the main folder and double-click on the contents.htm file in order to see the table of contents for Love in Dark Settings Omnibus.
My recommendations of online writings at other sites date from 1999 to the present; I can't guarantee that all of the older links still work. However, I give hints in the introduction to the e-book on how readers can track down sites that have moved.
text, or a variation on it, was originally published at
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