Being listed in this report does not necessarily indicate that The Slash Skinny endorses the publication. Authors and artists should read all submission guidelines with care to determine which are legitimate markets.
Publications covered in this report vary widely in what age of readership they are aimed toward. A few of the sites linked in this report are intended for adults only. Sites' warning pages are linked to when available, but the absence of a warning page is not necessarily an indication that the site's contents are appropriate for minors. For this reason, parental guidance is strongly suggested.
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Dusk Peterson is an author of mainstream fantasy, homoerotic historical fantasy, and contemporary gay fiction, and is also editor of a gay e-zine, True Tales. Peterson's Website offers fiction, resources on GLBT history and literature, and resources on original fiction in the fan fiction communities.
Cover art: Copyright © 2002 H. Rose Meleche. All rights reserved. Details from an illustration for Dusk Peterson's novella "Debt Price."
Cover design: Dusk Peterson. Permission is granted for the reposting and reprinting of the cover for purposes of providing information on The Slash Skinny. Please link to the report's Website if possible.
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Copyright © 2007 Dusk Peterson. Some rights reserved. The text is
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April 2007, Issue 4. The Slash Skinny is a publication of in Annapolis, Maryland. Contact information and issue costs are available at the Website.
Sources for information below: Erotic Authors Association, Erotic Romance E-Publisher Comparison, Erotic Romance Writers Forum, Erotica Readers & Writers Association, genreneep, metafandom, and YaoiSuki.
On March 24, a slash writer who was disgruntled at what she perceived as exclusionary policies by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA) toward interested non-members and aspiring members, alerted the members of her blog to the fact that Michael A. Burstein (a former SFWA Secretary) had set up what turned out to be an unofficial SFWA blog at LiveJournal. She urged the members of her blog spread the word and to sign up as watchers of the SFWA blog (which had not yet been announced anywhere) in order to show the SFWA how interested some non-members were in the organization. Seventy-seven non-members promptly descended upon the SFWA blog. A brief scuffle followed, as described by Mr. Burstein and the slash writer, cpolk. The end result was that the SFWA adopted it as an official blog and opened up the blog to posting by non-members for the purposes of outreach.
On December 10, 2006, Elizabeth Bear, science fiction author and 2005 winner of the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer, posted a message at her blog that objected to the labelling of her professionally published male/male novels as slash or yaoi. In fact, she posted several messages. As she pointed out in one of them, she herself has written slash; it was having her professional novels labelled as slash or yaoi that bothered her. Co-author Sarah Monette – nominee for this year's John W. Campbell Award – echoed this sentiment in a blog entry that was responded to by many slash readers and writers. "I'm arguing that slash, as a term, belongs to fanfiction, and should not be applied to works that are not fanfiction," Ms. Monette stated. A spin-off discussion delved into the issue of whether "original slash" is a helpful term. On January 2, 2007, original slash writer Kate Burgess chimed in with her thoughts on the topic in a post at her blog entitled Original Slash as a Writing Term.
Two new yaoi presses are set to launch: Deux Press, subsidiary of Aurora Publishing (see the April 2 ICv2 article, the Mangacast blog entry, and the YaoiSuki blog entry) and Yaoi House (see the blog entry by the publisher, Kira Takenouchi).
Word travelled round the blogosphere in early April that Brenner Printing in San Antonio, Texas, which prints many yaoi titles, will no longer handle hardcore titles. See the blog entries by Radio Comix editor Elin Winkler, author Tina Anderson, and Icarus Publishing.
At YaoiSuki, Jordan Marks has called attention to a new academic article by Mark McLelland and Seunghyun Yoo on the legality of yaoi manga.
In other legal news, various press sources reported on March 20 that a federal judge struck down a 1998 United States federal law that required commercial Websites with material "harmful to children" to block access to minors through proofs of age, such as credit card information. The law could have affected some commercial SFYY sites, but it never took effect because of an injunction. The U.S. Attorney's office is deciding whether to appeal the federal judge's decision.
As a sign of the changing times, three of the titles listed in Locus Online's New SF, Fantasy, and Horror books seen: late March 2007 feature same-sex attraction, including the boys' love novel A Strong and Sudden Thaw, by R. W. Day (Iris Print).
Iris Print has announced that its boys' love novels and fiction anthologies will be carried by Biblio Distribution.
The Xena fiction site, The Bard's Corner, has started a section entitled Bards in Print: Published Xenaverse Authors, which provides information and bookstore links on "authors who started out writing Xena Fan Fiction and who have ventured out into the publishing world. This section will have updates from these authors about their upcoming novels." A number of the authors write female/female fiction.
Brokeback Manga, by Chris Mautner (The Patriot-News, March 4, 2007), an article on Western yaoi, briefly quotes Yamila Abraham of Yaoi Press.
Another article on that publisher is Home-Grown Boys' Love from Yaoi Press, by Chris Arrant (Publishers' Weekly, June 6, 2006).
Rewriting the Rules of Fiction, by John Jurgensen (The Wall Street Journal, September 16, 2006) mentions a femslash fan writer who has professional aspirations.
See also: YaoiSuki's Yaoi News (site's warning page).
Anna Louise Genoese, Tor's Paranormal Romance editor and also a member of the fan fiction community, announced on March 8 that she would be leaving her job on March 20. As she emphasizes in this post (skip down to "hysterical emails"), she will continue to work as a consulting editor for Tor Books, which is a major science fiction and fantasy press. Ms. Genoese has provided occasional advice to authors of GLBT science fiction and fantasy through her blog entries and her convention presentations, and has also provided general information on how to market writings through her Demystifying Publishing articles.
While this report usually only covers original SFYY, it would be difficult to ignore the fact that Del Rey author Naomi Novik, a member of the fan fiction community whose professional original gen works have drawn the attention of slashers, has been getting a great deal of attention lately, and that part of the attention has come from her championing fan fiction as a legitimate literary art form. She has appeared on the cover of Locus Magazine (where she spoke of how fan fiction taught her to write), has had her fantasy novels optioned by Lord of the Rings director Peter Jackson, has collected a bunch of major reviews, and has recently been nominated for a Hugo Award and a John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer (as well as several other awards). In her October 11, 2006, interview with The New York Times, she mentioned her fan fiction writing, and in a follow-up on her blog, she clarified that she was proud of her recent fan fiction. She also talks about her fan fiction in an interview with Scifidimensions. She has raised the ire of anti-fanfic author Lee Goldberg, not once, not twice, but thrice, causing other authors to enter into the fray, such as journalist Cathy Young, novelist Rosina Lippi, and, inevitably, Fandom Wank. On a higher level, Dear quotes Novik while exploring some of the reasons why fan fiction has benefits for professional authors. In an interview with Strange Horizons (where Ms. Novik talks once again about her love of fan fiction, as well as her appreciation of fanfic about her own works), she says, "Thankfully, I have friends who are under instructions to hit me with things if my head starts getting too big to fit through the doorway!"
Yamila Abraham, founder and publisher of Yaoi Press. Interview by Lees Sharon-Ann (Akiba Angels, July 2006; site's warning page). Interview by Katherine Keller (Sequential Tart, February 2007).
Tina Anderson, maintainer of the Guns, Guys, and Yaoi blog. Interview, with her co-author Caroline Monaco, by David Taylor (interviewer's blog, July 24, 2006). Interview by Kai-Ming Cha (Publishers Weekly, November 28, 2006).
Laura Baumbach, author of gay erotic romance. Unattributed interview (Fallen Angel Reviews, December 6, 2006; site's warning page). Interview by Elisa Rolle (Isn't It Romantic?, October 22, 2007; includes mature content). Includes an Italian translation of the interview.
James Buchanan, author of gay erotic romance. Interview by Ambrose Musiyiwa (Blog Critics Magazine, November 17, 2006).
Erica Friedman, founder of ALC Publishing, publisher of original yuri. Unattributed interview (Manga Jouhou, February 2, 2007).
Fiona Glass and Emily Veinglory, authors of gay erotic romance, held a three-way conversation with reviewer Jan about the state of gay romance and yaoi (Dear, March 26, 2007).
Jane Gordan, creator of transgender female/female comics. Interview by Helen Boyd (interviewer's blog, January 18, 2006).
Lissette A. (kyoko), yaoi manga artist and a member of Umbrella Studios. Interview by Jennifer M. Contino (Sequential Tart, January 2001).
Kellie Lynch, founder and managing editor of the original boys' love publisher Iris Print. Interview by John Booty, Part 1 and Part 2 (OkatuBooty, November 3 and 16, 2006). Interview by Kai-Ming Cha (Publishers Weekly, March 13, 2007).
H. Rose Meleche, original slash artist and author and a member of Umbrella Studios. Interview by Elisa Rolle (Isn't It Romantic?, April 1, 2007). Includes an Italian translation of the interview.
P. L. Nunn, yaoi author and artist. Unattributed interview (Akiba Angels, August 2005). Interview by Kat Avila (Sequential Tart, December 2005).
Tricia Owens, yaoi writer. Unattributed interview (MP3 file, Spike Radio, undated). Interview by Haydn Shaughnessy within an article on yaoi (The Irish Times, January 3, 2005). Interview by Josh Bell (Las Vegas Weekly, January 6-12, 2005).
Pluto, yaoi manga artist and a member of Umbrella Studios. Interview by Tammy Lee (Sequential Tart, May 2002).
J. M. Snyder, author of gay erotic romance. Interview by DeNita Tuttle (Erotica Scene, undated article from Issue 1, 2007).
Emily Veinglory, author of gay erotic romance and founder of Erotic Romance E-Publisher Comparison. Interview by Veronica Arch (GLBT Promo, undated). Interview by Laura Bacchi (interviewer's blog, October 30, 2005).
[new] The finalists for the 19th Annual Lambda Literary Awards were announced on March 1. Among the finalists in the sci-fi/fantasy/horror category was R. W. Day's A Strong and Sudden Thaw, published by Iris Print. Winners had not yet been announced online at press time.
[new] Lori L. Lake is one of six winners of this year's Alice B. Medal, awarded annually to "living writers who have careers distinguished by consistently well-written stories about lesbians." Ms. Lake has posted her reaction to the award at her Website. Lori L. Lake's first published novel, Gun Shy, was originally posted in the Uber section of the Xena fiction site The Bard's Corner, as recounted at the author's Website.
[new] The winners and finalists for the 2007 Eppie Awards have been announced. Among the finalists in the GLBT category was Details of the Hunt (Loose-ID), by Laura Baumbach, who has written slash.
[new] Yaoi Press is offering a $100 reward for tips on foreign yaoi manga. "What we want is for people living in countries where English isn't the national language to show us the great yaoi or shounen-ai in their home countries," they say. "Can you give us a link to the publisher's web site, and the name and email of the person to inquire about licensing it in English?"
The Titanium Whip Awards has placed online the nominees in the Original Fic category. The announcement of winners has been delayed.
The Gaylactic Spectrum Awards are open for nominations for its 2007 awards through April 30, 2007. Those awards "honor outstanding works of science fiction, fantasy and horror which include significant positive explorations of gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgendered characters, themes, or issues." Self-published and self-nominated works are eligible for this contest. Rules. Nomination form.
The American Library Association is now taking nominations for its 2008 Stonewall Book Awards through October 31, 2007. The site states, "Nominations for the Book Award may be made by any individual not affiliated with the publisher of the book being nominated." Rules.
MediaWest*Con science fiction and media convention is open to registration until May 1 or until 900 members are signed up, whichever comes first. The con will be held May 25-28 in Lansing, Michigan. Among the suggested panels currently being considered is one entitled "Filing Off the Serial Numbers: Going Pro with your Fan Fic."
Think GalactiCon (July 13-15, Chicago), a new convention "in which leftists can discuss politics and speculative fiction" is currently collecting programming suggestions. The organizers say they are especially interested in panels on "issues of race, gender, class, sexuality, and power."
Yaoi-Con in San Francisco has opened its registration for the October 26-28 convention. Early-bird rates apply till May 31.
A report on last year's Yaoi-Con was posted by Iris Press on October 25, 2006, while MangaCast posted a podcast of the Iris Print panel on November 1, 2006.
Jordan Marks of YaoiSuki posted a report on Sakuracon anime convention on April 7 that included a discussion of Yaoi Press's current submission needs.
On March 3, Ruth Sadelle Alderson posted a report on the Femslash Panel at this year's Escapade slash convention that includes references to professionally published lesbian romances.
A report on original slash events at last year's Con-txt slash convention in D.C. was posted by Dusk Peterson (Uniquely Pleasurable, June 18, 2006). The report includes an account of a panel by an editor and a literary agent on selling original slash professionally. The editor posted her own impression of the panel at her blog on June 21. In a con report on Writers' Weekend 2005, gay erotic romance author Jules Jones quotes the same editor about the difficulties of selling gay paranormal romance (site's warning page).
See also: slash_con's Slash Conventions Perpetual Calendar, Lambda Sci-Fi's Science Fiction Conventions, and James Buchanan's Slash/Yaoi/Yuri/Anime/GLBT-Friendly Conventions.
No new issues this month.
Michael Barnette: Midwinter's Night (Phaze, 1-59426-568-2, $2, e-book, November 2006). Male/male fantasy. "Aerdyn is a Seelie Knight exiled for a murder he didn't commit. Alone, his magic dying, all he has are memories of the past, memories of his lost love Ellian. Then a stranger arrives." Publisher's listing (site's warning page). Excerpt at Fictionwise. Review by Marcy (Coffee Time Romance, undated).
Anne Blue (editor): Yaoi-Con Anthology IV: Envy (Beseinen-ya, $25, 148pp, 8.5 x 11 paperback, October 2006, cover art by Heise). Male/male. Illustrated anthology of original fiction and fan fiction. Publisher's listing, with story summaries and sample art.
Camilla Bruce and Liv Lingborn: Beasts (Lemons and Cream, $10, 92 pages, trade paperback, April 2007; $4.99, e-book, April 2007). The above link includes sample art for mature viewers. Male/male. Illustrated story. A young lawyer falls in love with a troubled male prostitute. "A classic yaoi tale, a 'Pretty Woman' gone gay."
R. W. Day: A Strong and Sudden Thaw (Iris Print, 978-0978753115, 331pp, trade paperback, October 2006). Male/male science fiction. "A post-apocalyptic romance . . . combining a realistic story of small-town struggles, prejudices, and affections against a larger tale of endless winter and hungry dragons." This title is a finalist for this year's Lambda Literary Awards. Publisher's listing, with excerpt. Excerpt at the author's site (site's warning page). Reviews and Search Inside excerpt at Amazon. Review by Cynthia (Boys Next Door Reviews, undated; site's warning page). Review by Jen Parker (YaoiSuki, October 1, 2006; site's warning page). Review by Rebecca Buchanan (Sequential Tart, November 2006). Review by Dru Pagliassotti (The Harrow, 2006).
Karen Hellekson and Kristina Busse (editors): Fan Fiction and Fan Communities in the Age of the Internet (McFarland, 978-0-7864-2640-9, $35, 296pp, trade paperback, July 2006). Sociological study edited by two fan writers. "Grouped by subject matter, essays cover topics such as genre intersection, sexual relationships between characters, character construction through narrative, and the role of the beta reader in online communities. The work also discusses the terminology used by creators of fan artifacts and comments on the effects of technological advancements on fan communities." Publisher's listing, with table of contents. Abstract and bibliography from Karen Hellekson's site. Review by Henry Jenkins (author's blog, August 21, 2006). Reviews by Princess of Geekland (author's blog, January 20, 2007 to present). That set of reviews includes brief discussions of contrasting work methods of fan writers and professional writers. Reviews at Amazon.
Marilyn Jaye Lewis (editor): Zowie! It's Yoai! Western Girls Write Hot Stories of Boys' Love (Thunder's Mouth Press, 978-1560259107, $14.95, 272pp, trade paperback, September 2006). Male/male. "All-original collection of six yaoi novellas written by Western women." Reviews and Search Inside excerpt at Amazon.
Kellie Lynch (editor): Connections: A Boys' Love Anthology (Iris Print, 0-9787531-5-1, $12.95, 231pp, trade paperback, September 2006). Male/male. "Stories of sweet first kisses, of years-long love, and of chance encounters both romantic and erotic." Publisher's listing, with excerpt. Reviews and Search Inside excerpt at Amazon. Review by Cynthia (Boys Next Door Reviews, undated; site's warning page). Review by Rebecca Buchanan (Sequential Tart, March 1, 2007).
Kellie Lynch (editor): When Worlds Collide (Iris Print, 978-0978753122, $12.95, 177pp, 7.4 x 5.1 paperback, October 2006). Male/male comic anthology. "Beauty and the beast, the prince and the pauper, yin and yang . . . it's no secret that opposites attract." Publisher's listing, with excerpts. Reviews at Amazon. Review by Rebecca Buchanan (Sequential Tart, December 1, 2006). Review by Leigh Dragoon (Sequential Tart, March 1, 2007). Review by Cynthia (Boys Next Door Reviews, undated; site's warning page).
Malarky: A Prelude to Nocturnia (MAS-Zine, $6.90, 28,800 words, e-book, Spring 2006, cover art by Malarky). Male/male fantasy. "Neither pookah nor sidhe lord give [their] liaision any hope of survival, but the intrigues between Summerhey and its rival Shadow Court soon launch them fully into the preparations for war, an ill-timed excursion amidst the iron-wielding humans and a whirlwind of events that forces their relationship to other levels." Publisher's listing, with excerpt (site's warning page).
Yuri Monogatari 4 (ALC Publishing, 978-0975916056, 176pp, 7.8 x 5.5 paperback, March 2007). Female/female manga anthology. "These tales about lesbian life and love come from artists and writers from around the world." Publisher's listing.
LionHeart Distribution has updated its Original Fiction and Original M/M pages with many new zines from ImPRESS Books and Requiem Publications. In addition, the ImPRESS Books site has cover art and an excerpt from its spy series In the Blood and Invisible Ink. "For the agents of the International Taskforce Bureau, an agency that battles terrorists, drug lords, despots, and other threats to world peace, the struggle is neverending."
Colin Dunne and Jan Kafka (editors): Sigil, Volume I (Writers Club Press, 978-0595201075, $13.95, 200pp, trade paperback, September 2001). Sigil, Volume II (iUniverse, 978-0595295173, $12.95, 157 pp, trade paperback, October 2003). Male/male fantasy. The anthologies were created by members of an e-mail list, TheSigil, which is composed of slash and yaoi fantasy writers who aspire to professional publication. Publisher's listing for Volume I, with preview. listing for Volume I. Reviews of Volume I at Amazon. Publisher's listing for Volume II, with preview. listing for Volume II.
Alpha Martial and Romy Were: Sappho and Tulle (Sache Publications, 978-0954927905, $20, 192pp, paperback, January 2005). Female/female and male/male contemporary fiction. Novel about two women who are slash writers. Publisher's listing, with review quotations.
See also: Markets and Submission Guidelines.
This section lists online samples and works from presses and from professional authors and artists.
Marquesate and Vashtan: Special Forces: Soldiers. Male/male military fiction set from 1980 to the present. "It is the epic story of a Scottish SAS soldier and a Soviet spetsnaz soldier. Two enemies who meet in the line of duty during the early days of the Soviet Union's last war in Afghanistan. Behind enemy lines respect and finally love grow . . . but that's only the official version."
Matthew Ritter (author) and Xel (illustrator): Jigsaw Hearts. Male/male comic. Published online by Iris Print.
D. L. Warner: Audio samples of A Soldier's Choice. Read by Rik Heron and Vincent Greven. Male/male military science fiction. "They were soldiers. Fight or die was all they had known since they were still boys."
Now available for pre-order from Iris Print: Only Words, by Tina Anderson and Caroline Monaco, and Paintings of You, by Mia Paluzzi and Chris Delk. The above pages offer previews, and more previews of the graphic novels are available. The books will be published in June.
[new] Fireangels Verlag is seeking submissions for the following yaoi manga anthologies: Yaoi IV, fairy tales and fantasy (deadline: May 1, 2007); Fireangels Yaoi Calendar 2007: Yin & Yang or Opposites Attract (deadline: May 30, 2007); Yaoi 18+ II (deadline: September 1, 2007); Random I: yuri and het (deadline: December 1, 2007); Yaoi & Yuri Tarot Deck (no deadline).
ImPRESS Books is seeking stories for a new action/adventure book, a horror anthology (Once Upon a Midnight Bloody), and a new issue of its science fiction and fantasy anthology (FTL). Non-paying market.
[updated] Not Just Another Pretty Face: An Anthology of Yaoi Fiction has been cancelled by Phaze. The anthology was scheduled to be published in December 2007. However, the press continues to accept submissions of yaoi novellas and novels to be published separately.
Shousetsu Bang*Bang has announced its themes for its issues this year. Keep your eye on the webzine for deadlines and sign-up posts. Non-paying market. May 5 issue: May-December. July 28 issue: Dress Me Up, Dress Me Down (double issue with Summer F/F Special). October 10 issue: Theme-Free.
See also: Markets and Submission Guidelines.
ALC Publishing is seeking production assistants, graphic designers and layout specialists, translators, and editors. Non-paying positions.
BENT Magazine is seeking people for the layout team and people for the advertising/public relations team. Non-paying positions.
ALC Publishing (yuri print publisher). Publishes an annual manga anthology, Yuri Monogatari. The press wishes to hear from artists or writer/artist collaborators. ALC Publishing Mission Statement. Latest press releases. Releases.
BENT Magazine (male/male romance magazine and webzine). Paying market that plans to become non-paying later. Publishes short fiction, art, articles, and reviews. Submission guidelines.
Blue Call Zine (yaoi/slash webzine). Paying market. Publishes fiction and art. Website has not been updated since June 2006. Submission guidelines. Blog.
[new] Fireangels Verlag (yaoi print publisher). Paying market. German press that invites submissions from non-German artists. Publishes manga anthologies and artwork. English/German blog, with submission guidelines.
Forbidden Fruit (slash webzine). Non-paying market. Publishes short fiction, articles, and art. Submission guidelines.
ImPRESS Books (slash print publisher). Non-paying market. Publishes novellas and short fiction. Submission guidelines. Blog (with more information on submissions in the sidebar).
[updated with links to more information on Iris Press submissions] Iris Print (slash/yaoi/shounen-ai/boys' love print publisher). Paying market. Publishes novels, short fiction, art, comics, and graphic novels. Submission guidelines. More information on Iris Press submissions. Podcast with more information on Iris Press submissions. Blog. Book releases.
Kanallje Press (slash/yaoi e-zine, e-publisher, and print publisher). Publishes novels, short fiction, and art. Has two publications, MAS-Zine (paying market) and the annual Yaoi-Con Fiction Anthology (non-paying market). Both are currently closed to submissions. MAS-Zine blog. Publisher's blog (personal blog, where publishing news is sometimes posted). MAS-Zine releases and Yaoi-Con Fiction Anthology releases.
Phaze (erotic romance e-publisher and print publisher that issues yaoi titles). Paying market. Publishes novels and short fiction. Submission guidelines. Blog. Yaoi releases.
Sache Publications (male homoerotic fiction print publisher). Paying market. Publishes novels and short fiction. Submission guidelines.
Shousetsu Bang*Bang (yaoi webzine). Non-paying market. Publishes short fiction and art. Submission guidelines. Archive. Blog.
Yaoi Press (yaoi print publisher). Paying market. Publishes graphic novels. Wishes to hear from artists or writer/artist collaborators. Submission guidelines. More information on Yaoi Press submissions. See also their Other Yaoi page for more English-language yaoi publishers. Blog.
[updated with MySpace URL] Yaoi Realm (yaoi/slash Web publisher). Paying market. Publishes fiction, art, and manga. Submission guidelines. E-mail list. MySpace page. New releases.
See also: YaoiSuki's List of US BL Publishers (site's warning page), YaoiSuki's BL Release Calendar (site's warning page), Lori L. Lake's GLBT Publishing Links, and Lambda Literary Foundation's Publisher Links.
JACK: An eZine for Original Homoerotic Fiction |Yarotica Press. Details at Dead Markets (at the Website for The Slash Skinny). new products (Yaoi Press and other yaoi publishers).
LionHeart Distribution (zines from the fan fiction community): Original Gay Fiction and Original Fiction.
[new] Lulu Marketplace. Online bookstore to a self-publishing company that carries a goodly number of slash and yaoi titles; search by keyword to locate them. To see the mature titles, you must be signed in with Lulu (registration is free) and have your access level set at "Mature."
Waveney Zine Shop (zines from the fan fiction community): Gay Fiction and Original Fiction.
This section lists organizations for professional writers or artists that mention SFYY in their mission statements.
Juxtapose Fantasy. Slash/yaoi fiction and art by Tricia Owens and others. Membership information.
S. A. Payne. Slash/yaoi fiction. Membership information.
Umbrella Studios. Slash/yaoi art cooperative.
Variable XY. Slash/yaoi fiction by Kimberley Powell. Membership information.
[updated with blog URL] Company offering self-published print-on-demand books and e-books under its "Published by You" program. Also provides subsidy publishing under its "Published by Lulu" program. Includes a Yaoi Stories Forum. Blog.
Lightning Source. Major printer of print-on-demand books. Also offers e-books.
[updated with "List of Book Printers"] Lists of self-publishing companies and printers: An Incomplete Guide to POD Publishers | Print-on-Demand and Ebook Producers | Print on Demand Database | List of Book Printers.
LJBook. Free software that lets you turn your LiveJournal entries into a PDF file that can be distributed as an e-book or converted into a print-on-demand book.
Other places for self-publishing news:
Absolute Write Forums: POD Self-Publishing and E-Publishing and Conventional Self-Publishing.
Erotic Romance Writers Forum: Self-Publishing. Also covers Web publishing.
[updated: blog is no longer active] POD-dy Mouth. A reviews and news blog on self-published books. No longer active, but the archives are worth browsing through.
[new] Yahoo Groups: Print on Demand Publishers. Tends to attract folks who self-publish through Lightning Source.
Yahoo Groups: Self-Publishing. Tends to attract folks who self-publish through offset printing.
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