Parental supervision is strongly suggested for this page.
to one of the
updates e-mail lists or blog feeds.
This page lists updates to all of the sites at Dusk Peterson's domain. To find the update to a particular site, use your browser's Find function.
Important information for parents, guardians, and visitors who control their own reading matter.
—Information and excerpts for upcoming fantasy and leather e-books.
—A new fantasy e-book and booktrailer from the Three Lands series.
—Another review at my site for online male homoerotic fiction recommendations.
—Belated notices of new issues of True Tales and The Slash
—New MySpace profiles and an accompanying blog.
—New site navigation (surprise, surprise), plus information on upcoming
and old online fiction.
>>> Fiction
All of the fiction series are now listed on the home page. In addition, the following link has been added:
Browse through books at Dusk Peterson's storefront.
And the following subdirectories have been added to this domain:
>>> The Three Lands
The following e-book, audio book, and booktrailer have been added, with an accompanying online serialization:
In the battle-weary lands of the Great Peninsula, only one fate is worse than being taken prisoner by the Lieutenant: being taken prisoner if you are the Lieutenant.
As the world's most skilled torturer struggles with his change of fortune, he finds that his fate is intertwined with the destinies of an idealistic army commander, an affectionate prisoner, and a protégé who reveres the Lieutenant's art . . . but is on the wrong side of the conflict.
More information about this book.
>>> Princeling
Information and an excerpt have been posted for this upcoming fantasy series, including the first novel in the series, Noble.
>>> Life Prison
Information has been posted about the upcoming first volume in this historical fantasy series, Mercy's Prisoner.
>>> Michael's House
Information has been posted about the upcoming first volume in this historical fantasy series, Whipster.
>>> Loren's Lashes
Information, excerpts, and a historical note have been posted for an upcoming novel and novella in this leather fiction series: Edgeplay in Mayhill and Water in a Drought.
>>> Buried Treasure: Online Male Homoerotic Fiction Recommendations by Dusk Peterson
The following review has been added to the Online Stories and Novels page:
Hank and Nick's Cutter Falls, a contemporary series on dominance and submission.
The following review has been revised at the Online Stories and Novels page:
The first novel of Manna Francis's series The Administration, previously reviewed here, is now also available in print.
Slash Skinny: Publishing News and Market Report on Original Slash
Rest In Peace, I found that I didn't have time to continue this e-zine. However, I have placed online the June 2007 issue and have updated the Master List of Professionally Published Original Slash.
>>> True Tales: An Erotic E-zine of Masculinity and Power
The July 2007 issue has been posted, with recommendations to online fiction, nonfiction, poetry, photography, art, and a music video on the Military Men and Leathermen pages.
I hope to get another issue out this year; it all depends on how well my eyes hold out.
>>> Leather Fiction, History, and Magazines
leatherpower. A personal blog.
>>> Policies on Copyright, Derivative Works, and Fan Works
This page has been updated to include information on the copyright terms for my trailer videos and for my banners, covers, and story summaries (blurbs).
This page has been updated to include information on my two MySpace profiles and a new friendshipfiction blog.
Please note also that I am no longer blogging at LiveJournal; I now have a blog at InsaneJournal. However, if you're at LiveJournal, I have a syndicated feed that will allow you to watch the blog on your LiveJournal Friends page.
This page has been updated with my tentative plans for 2008.
>>> Domain navigation
I've changed it, you'll have noticed. It's the most radical change I've made since I started this site in 2002, but things were becoming absurdly complicated, both for me and for my visitors. When it reached the point where I was routinely having to post the same information in three different spots at the domain, I knew that Changes Had To Be Made.
For those of you who are confused by the change: Just go to the domain's home page. That provides quick links to all of my fiction series. And in case you miss seeing the link on the home page, my online nonfiction is still here.
>>> News on my fiction
To those of you who have noticed that some of my online fiction has disappeared:
Don't panic.
All of it will be back, I promise. I'm committed to publishing all of my fiction online (though some of you would like to buy my convenient, inexpensive e-books before I'm hauled off to the poorhouse, right?). The online fiction that has been withdrawn is being re-edited and will be serialized online at the time the e-book editions are published. In the meantime, if any of your favorite stories have disappeared, and you're dying to reread them, just drop me an e-mail, and I'll send you copies.
As you can tell from the latest update to my Website, I have quite a few e-books planned for the next few months. Those of you who don't already know this should be aware that I have an eye condition that makes it difficult for me to read with my eyes during the colder months of the year; thus, at certain points in the winter, I'll have to take a break from e-book production. (I'll use that time to write more stories.) Other than that, I'm going to try to get books out as quickly as possible.
If you've been waiting for the publication of Rebirth in the Eternal Dungeon series, you'll want to know that I've decided to publish it for now in e-book format, as the series of six stand-alone novellas and novelettes that I originally wrote it as (starting with "The Breaking," which some of you have already seen). There will eventually be an omnibus edition – entitled Rebirth, of course – once those novellas and novelettes have been published, but that will take a little while.
Similarly, the stories in the Life Prison and Michael's House series will be published individually, with omnibus editions once I've published a novel's worth of stories in each series. This will allow me to continue publishing stories in cases where (as in Life Prison) I haven't yet written a novel's worth of tales.
Blood Vow will be published as an e-book in novel form, as will any of my other novels that can't be divided easily into stand-alone stories.
The order and timing of the e-publication depends on various factors, such as my eyes, but I can say that the next e-books scheduled to be published will always be the ones for which the covers have been posted. At the moment, the upcoming e-books are Right or Right; Crossing the Cliff; and Leather, Licking, and Lawnmowers.
As for printed editions of my fiction, I still plan to do them at some point, but now doesn't seem to be the right moment, with new print-on-demand options popping up every few months. I'm not fully satisfied with any of the options at the moment, so I'm waiting to see whether the situation improves.
Plenty of new fiction is coming too, as my Website updates show. A lot of this is actually old fiction that has been hanging around my hard drive forever; I'm finally bringing out the hidden goodies.
—A new contemporary novel.
—New tags for my fiction.
—A news and market report for male/male and female/female literature
and art. (Yes, the same one as before, but now it's expanded.)
—A new subject index at my online male homoerotic fiction recommendations
—New military and leather tales at True Tales e-zine.
—An old blog put to a new use.
—Some of my writings are now licensed for reposting.
—The domain navigation and story classifications are reorganized. Again.
a new layout.
—News on my fantasy and leather fiction.
>>> Twenty Thousand Gold Stars
This novel is currently being serialized online.
White Rose has lived a double life for too long. For too many years, he has struggled alone to determine how he should handle an ethical dilemma he never wanted to face. Now, finally, he has found help online. But is it the right help?
>>> Master/Other
The navigation to this site has been shifted somewhat, but not in any way that should cause trauma. (Well, except for those of you who liked the pretty pictures I've had to take down.)
The following tags have been added to the Tags for Stories page:
Time Period: 5th century, vaguely medieval, 13th century, 16th century, late Victorian, Edwardian, late 20th century, early 21st century, the future.
Nations and Skin Colors of Characters: characters from different nations/locations, characters with different skin colors.
Slash Skinny: News and Market Report on Original Slash, Femslash, Yaoi,
and Yuri
The Slash Skinny is a news report and market report on four genres of professionally published literature and art featuring same-sex attraction. These genres are noteworthy for their strong emphasis on the emotional connections – good or bad – between the characters. They overlap with other genres, such as GLBT romance and queer science fiction and fantasy. The report takes the form of a downloadable HTML file that includes dozens of links.
Regular columns: New issues, older issues, new books, older issues, older books, calls for submission, staff openings, and markets and submission guidelines.
FAQ. Including the all-important question, "What are original slash, femslash, yaoi, and yuri?"
Issues are available for 99¢ as HMTL downloads. Payment may be made with Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, PayPal, and related debit and check cards. Ordering help page.
Current issue: April 2007. A slash writer leads a revolt at the new Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America blog. An award-winning science fiction author objects to the labelling of her novels as slash or yaoi. An editor who was friendly to writers of GLBT science fiction and fantasy steps down from a major speculative fiction press. A fan fiction writer hits the big time with her professionally published fantasy novels. Two new yaoi presses emerge. A printer refuses to handle certain yaoi titles. Scholars look at the legality of yaoi manga. An original slash author, a yaoi author, and a femslash author receive awards recognition for their professional fiction.
>>> Buried Treasure: Online Male Homoerotic Fiction Recommendations by Dusk Peterson
I've added a new page to this site, Stories Divided by Topic. In addition to indexing Buried Treasure, it includes tags leading to links to my own stories. The topics are as follows:
* Authorities & Rebels.
* Bosses & Employees.
* Criminals & Victims.
* Gods & Mortals.
* Leathermen / BDSM Tops
& Bottoms.
* Masters & Servants.
* Masters & Slaves.
* Mentally Ill Men.
* Mentors & Protégés.
* Military Men.
* Nobles & Liegemen / Upper
Class & Lower Class.
* Non-Erotic Family Relationships.
* People from Different Nations.
* People of Color.
* Prostitutes, Pimps, &
* Torturers, Guards, &
* Multi-Topic.
>>> True Tales: An Erotic E-zine of Masculinity and Power
True Tales has been turned into a recommendations site, similar to Buried Treasure, but focussing on masculinity and power.
The following links have been added to the Leathermen page:
FICTION: Daddy Takes a Holiday. By Rick West. (Posted at Max Wood's Savagelust.) A fister tries to recover from a broken love affair at New Orleans's Southern Decadence festival.
ART: Consent. By Neil Bruce. ( Posted at Bear Naked Art. Artist's gallery. Artist's site. Artist's Yahoo Group.)
NONFICTION: Instant Disco History, Vol. 3. By Joe.My.God. (Posted at the author's blog.) A gay man decides to take the plunge and investigate the leather world.
MUSIC VIDEO: Walk the Night. By the Skatt Bros. (Posted at YouTube. Band bio at The DiscoMuseum.) A fan's video of a 1979 song that was popular in gay clubs of the time.
The following links have been added to the Military Men page:
FICTION: Poseidon's Fist. By George Gardner. (Posted at Nifty Erotic Stories Archive.) When the worst happens, hard truths must be faced . . . and comfort sought.
ART: In the Navy. By Roger Payne. (Posted at Homoerotic Art Museum. Artist's gallery at Adonis Art of London.)
NONFICTION: Here's How a Faggot Slaps. Steven Zeeland interviews John. (Posted at the author's site. From the book Barrack Buddies and Soldier Lovers. Gallery.) A soldier comes out to his straight roommate, in the most complete manner possible.
VIDEO: Hard Soldiers and Alte Kameraden. By uhu. (Posted at YouTube.) Hard fighters, erotic scenery.
>>> International Pixel-Stained Technopeasant Day: A Directory of Online Creations
A growing directory of online fiction and other creative works by professional, semi-pro, and amateur creators, mainly in the science fiction and fantasy genre.
I'm now posting day-to-day reports on my writing life at the duskpeterson blog.
>>> Site and Story Classification
Don't be confused: The classification 18+ has been changed to 18A, to make clearer the nature of the warning. 18A is the Canadian video equivalent of rated R in the United States, indicating that parental supervision is advised.
>>> Domain layout
I really, really hope this is the last time I have to change the layout. However, a change was necessitated by the fact that so many people are using PDAs these days, for which the old layout isn't suited. Not all of the pages are changed yet to the new layout.
And yes, I know that I should have learned CSS long ago.
>>> Policies on Copyright, Derivative Works, and Fan Works
Since I had to change the layout anyway, this seemed the right time to do it: I'm gradually placing nearly all of my writings under one of two Creative Commons licences. If a page at this domain has the new layout, check the copyright notice, because chances are good that the writing will now be licensed for non-commercial use.
>>> News on my fiction
Those of you who have been reading my duskpeterson blog know that I've been working on e-books of my fiction. (The Slash Skinny is my first venture into this area, though it's nonfiction.) The very practical reason for this is to earn money so that I can pay for the set-up fees for publishing Rebirth in print. Matters are proceeding slowly but surely. Among the works I'll be bringing out in e-book format are two new leather works and a mainstream fantasy novel. Those are in the editing stage.
And yes, I haven't forgotten Blood Vow.
>>> The Three Lands
The following has been added to the reviews page:
>>> Master/Other
The following has been added to the reviews page:
Recommendation of "Pleasure" by madlodger at Golden Nuggets: Original Slash List (skip down to "DuskPeterson").
Recommendation (skip down to "pretty story") of The Fool by Kahlan Amnell.
"Night Shadow" at
"The True Master" at
Recommendation of What Slaves Do When They Aren't Cleaning Toilets by Maureen Lycaon.
"What Slaves Do When They Aren't Cleaning Toilets" at
Love in Dark Settings at
The following has been added to the reviews page:
"The Breaking" at
>>> Life Prison
The following has been added to the reviews page:
Brief recommendationby Krss.
The highlights:—A new site linking to older mainstream fantasy stories.
—A new issue of True Tales e-zine.
—Recommendations of online male homoerotic fiction.
—mdbl's Private Parlor moves to
—A vid community blog.
—A new market report for male/male and female/female fiction.
—A subdirectory on original fiction in the fan fiction communities.
—A Website on erotic literature.
—A short essay on the definition of homoerotic fiction.
—A couple of gay history and leather links.
—The fan works policy is widened to embrace fan audio and fan videos.
—The domain navigation and story classifications are reorganized. Again.
>>> Main Stream: A Fantasy Story Sampler
This is the "light" version of Master/Other. It links to my mainstream fiction, some of which is located at sites that also include stories with mature content. It is provided as a convenience to readers who do not wish to browse through those other sites.
There's no new fiction at this site; it's just part of the domain navigation changes mentioned below.
>>> Turn-of-the-Century Toughs
The following credit has been added to this site:
The cover art for the video is a photograph by Lewis Hickes Hines, entitled, "Newsie. St. Louis, Mo. May 1910." "Newsies" were young men who sold newspapers on the street for a living. Hines was part of a national committee that investigated the effects of poverty and crime on families.
>>> True Tales: An Erotic E-zine of Masculinity and Power
The following items have been added to this site:
FICTION: The General. By DoggyJ. Devotion can come in quiet forms, as a sergeant major demonstrates.
NONFICTION: Infernal. By Drew Kramer. A top attending the Chicago Hellfire Club's infamous annual run decides to do a little switching. But is he prepared for what he faces?
VIDEO: Good Soldier II. Music by Deadlee and Micah Barnes. Directed by Johnny Skandros. A rap singer's tale of a Latino young man who tries to carry on a love affair, despite the opposition of his homophobic father.
The Publication Markets page has been updated with new links in the gay/erotica section and the leather section.
>>> Buried Treasure: Online Male Homoerotic Fiction Recommendations by Dusk Peterson
This site has been split into several pages, and two new sections have been added.
The following reviews have been added to the new Fan Fiction for People Who Hate Fan Fiction page:
A. C. Chapin's historical fiction sonnet, Wittenberg; M. Fae Glasgow's historical master/servant story, A Gentleman's Gentleman; and Mystique's science fiction master/slave story, The Best of the Bargain.
The following reviews have been added to the new Videos page:
Sugar Baby Love, with music by the Rubettes and direction by Wilfred Brimo, and The Two Sides of Monsieur Valentine, with music by Spoon and direction by Ryan Junell.
>>> Private Parlor: Online Male Homoerotic Fiction Recommendations by Guest Reviewers
This reviews site, founded in 2001 by mdbl, has been transferred to It provides folks with a chance to submit their reviews of original yaoi, original slash, and original gay fiction and erotica.
>>> altvidding (off-site)
This community blog is for announcing, recommending, watching, and discussing videos created by folks in the fan fiction communities that fall outside the traditional categories of fanvids, including vids about original fiction, original art, original doujinshi, etc. Longer description and community rules.
>>> Original Slash, Femmeslash, Yaoi, and Yuri Market Report (off-site)
A new column by myself at the original slash news blog The Skinny. The four terms mentioned in the title refer to four subgenres of male and female homoerotic fiction. These subgenres originated among fan fiction readers, but the market report covers publications carrying original (non-fan) works.
>>> Information on Original Fiction in the Fan Fiction Communities
A new subdirectory, for the convenience of folks from the fanfic communities.
(I glance around to see whether I've scared off all my readers from the gay fiction community by this point in the update.)
Oh, good, you're still here. You're a tough lot.
>>> Erotic Authors Association (off-site)
I'm now director and Webmaster of this organization, which was founded in 2000. The site links to many resources on erotic literature and erotica.
>>> Homoerotic Historical Fiction Links
The broken links at this site have been corrected.
>>> Essays
The following essay has been added:
What is Homoerotic Fiction? An essay on the various ways in which the terms "homerotic fiction" and "homoerotica" are used.
>>> Links on the History of Friendship, Romantic Friendship, Romance, and Sexuality
The broken links at this site have been corrected.
The following link has been added to this site:
GLBT (Queer?) History. A Web directory in no particular order, but it includes some obscure regional links.
>>> Transcend: Leather Spirituality News and Links
The following items have been added to the Links page:
of Sex and Kink. By Midori. Critiques the fact that "SM-induced
major brain activities become interpreted as somehow spiritual or otherworldly."
[Eros Zine]
Agnostic. Pansexual.
SAFER+SANER. "Founded in 2005
by Blackkat (American Leatherman 2005), SAFER+SANER was formed to provide
sexual, substance, and physical safety information to the leather, BDSM,
kink, and fetish communities." Illustrated with photos.
Secular. Gay.
(That's putting it mildly. I could have said, "Illustrated with hot photos.")
>>> Male Romantic Friendships in Historical Photography and Literature
The broken links at this site have been corrected.
>>> Sites on the History and Literature of Western Hierarchical Relationships
The broken links at this site have been corrected.
>>> Policies on Copyright, Derivative Works, and Fan Works
I've updated this page to make clear that readers can create fan audio and fan videos inspired by my writings (in addition to the fan fiction and fan art already mentioned on that page).
Thank you to the readers who have recently decided to create fan works inspired by my stories. I consider it the ultimate compliment.
>>> Domain Navigation
I received a friendly e-mail in January from a gentleman who had visited the home page of and who referred to the domain as "an adult site."
Um . . . no.
So I've rearranged the domain to make clearer the varied nature of the domain's contents. The main change you'll notice is that, rather than list my various fiction series on the home page, I've simply linked to Master/Other, which lists all my stories. You can reach the series sites by way of Master/Other, or though the site map.
For readers who want only to visit sites intended for specific age groups, I've added the following subdirectories:
For Teenagers and Adults | Primarily for Adults.
>>> Site and Story Classification
I've also taken the opportunity to simplify the classification system at this domain. Sites and stories that include mature content are now labelled 18+. Everything else is unlabelled. I dropped the more complex classification system because it's confusing to readers who don't normally encounter classification labels for fiction and because there's really very little difference in content between my different types of stories. Through the 18+ classification, I still alert readers to content that is especially likely to be emotionally or legally problematic for some readers. Otherwise, it's a case of caveat lector.
The following has been added to the reviews page:
Recommendation of The Breaking at try_this_fic. (Includes major spoilers.)
Brief general recommendation by Glass Houses.
>>> Life Prison
The following has been added to the reviews page:
Recommendation of Life Prison by Snuffy Livingston. (Read it. It's the funniest review I've ever read.)
Recommendation of Life Prison by mllesatine (in German; skip down to "Liveprison").
Brief recommendation of Life Prison by faithfulreader (skip down to "Dusk").
The following has been added to the reviews page:
Brief general review by Bellona at Templum Bellonae.
Brief review of Bad Habit by Shadow/Brooke.
Brief reviews of Leatherdar at Gay Authors.
Brief reviews of Leatherdar at Thinking-Out-Loud.
Brief review of Leatherdar by Korgmeister (skip down to "homosexual").
Reviews of Leatherdar at eternaldungeon.
>>> Master/Other
The following has been added to the reviews page:
Recommendation of The Fool by mllesatine (in German; skip down to "Fool").
Brief review of Debt Price (skip down to "Peterson") by meniteau.
Brief review of A Sexual Minority Speaks Out by Jess.
Brief recommendation of A Sexual Minority Speaks Out by mental switch.
Brief recommendation of A Sexual Minority Speaks Out by amykb.
Brief general recommendation by frahulettaes.
Continue to
What's New 2006
text, or a variation on it, was originally published at
Copyright © 2007 Dusk Peterson. Some rights reserved. The text is
licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution Noncommercial License (
You may freely print, post, e-mail, share, or otherwise distribute the
text for noncommercial purposes, provided that you include this paragraph.
The author's policies on
derivative works and fan works are available online (